-Chapter 34-

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I'm not even sure what happened until Warren hits the ground. That's how fast Chloe's fist makes contact with the side of his face.

"Chloe!" I yelp, startled to find that she actually hit someone.

"She's in jail you idiot!" She yells, clearly trying to deny the possibility that the blonde girl is free, "Y- you're lying... you're lying!".

The boy grumbles a bit but doesn't seem all that upset at Chloe lashing out at him.

"I'm not... for fucking once, I'm not lying" he says, wiping a bit of blood off of his lip.

I step in front of Chloe and embrace her, feeling her body tremble against mine as she begins to tear up.

"He's lying, Max," she whines, "Rachel is gone... she's not going to come back... she can't, she... she'll-".

Before Chloe can continue with her anxious rant, I stand on my tippy toes and press a kiss on her lips.

"Listen to me," I whisper once I pull away, ignoring Warren's scoff, "If she's out of jail, the police would let you know... okay? They'd let you know first,".

She closes her eyes and whimpers, "No... no they wouldn't, they wouldn't. They didn't, she's gonna come back and she's going to hurt me, and she going to hurt you!".

"Chloe, please!" I beg, trying desperately to get her to relax, "Nothing is going to happen, okay? We're going to find Nate and we're going to go to the police and make sure they keep that psycho bitch away from me and you. Especially you".

She takes an odd breath and sighs, nodding away her tears.

"O- okay... *sniff* okay".

I sigh and hug her tightly, doing my best to give her comfort, "I've got you okay? I'm right here".

We stand there hugging for a while until Warren rudely clears his throat, breaking our touching moment.

"I hate to break this up but we have a missing person on our hands," he says in a slightly garbled tone, his busted lip beginning to swell.

I turn to him and sigh sharply, I can't say you didn't deserve it but... I didn't expect the beating to come from Chloe.

"Okay, just... give us a bit to get ready. But first... tell me how you know Rachel's out of jail. And... when did she get out of jail?" I ask, finding that part of Warren's story extremely fishy.

"My dad works in the D.A's office," the boy explains, "Mr. Amber has been busting his ass putting in calls trying to get whatever charges landed Rachel in jail dropped,".

Chloe hisses under her breath and furrows her eyebrows, "Fucking prick".

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain how you know...".

"My dad told me, what part of My dad works for Rachel's dad did you not understand,".

"Don't you fucking talk to her like that!" Chloe lashes out, "Just tell us when, when did she get out!".

For once, Warren flinches... hell, I do too, but Chloe's intensity is what makes her her.

"H- he got home super late one night, said that Mr. Amber kept everyone late so he could like, celebrate or something, I don't know what for but I'd assume it has something to do with Rachel," the boy mutter, clearly shaken, "That... that was maybe two or three days ago?".

Chloe groans again and turns away from us, resting her knuckles and forehead on the dorm room door.

Warren and I share a confused glance when she starts softly pounding the door repeatedly, muttering something under her breath.

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