-Chapter 10-

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The song ends and I turn to Chloe, expecting some kind of reaction but find none.

"C- Chloe?" I mumble, my heart still hammering in my chest.

She stifles a cough suddenly, clearing her throat, "So uh, what does this mean, Max?".

I blink, on the verge of tears, "I- isn't it obvious?".

"Yes, but I want to hear it from you. So, what does this mean?".

I swallow hard and try to come up with a decent response, "I... *gulp* I'm in lesbians with you!".

Eh A+ for effort.

Just saying that word makes me feel weird... and not in a good way.

The label isn't right.

Chloe giggles at the reference, "My god, you're a dork. But uh... is this why you invited me? To fess up your crush?".

I shake my head vigorously, "N- No.. Not entirely. I think you're an amazing girl and I really like you a- and... I want to get to know you better,".

"I have no fucking idea what you were expecting from me, Kid but... I- I'm already in it with Rachel... And I'm faithful to her,".

"I know, B- but...".

"But what? You have feelings for me. T- that's not going to change anything between us," Chloe says, going for the door again.

I grab her again, feeling a bit of anger bubble up inside me again. "Stop lying, Chloe! I know for a fact that you feel something for me too... you're constantly hitting on me and flirting and sending me mixed signals! I- I don't get you... but god do I want to,".

Chloe stops and turns to me blushing slightly, "I... I- I don't know what you're talking about," She mutters.

Something inside me snaps and I lean in, smashing my mouth against hers as if to prove my affection.

And sure enough, Chloe kisses back... with equal passion.

I grab her by the shirt, pulling her closer to me, craving her physical closeness.

We continue to kiss, over and over again for what feels like a lifetime.

Chloe parts her lips slightly as if testing the waters and slides her tongue in my mouth.

The gesture is... unexpected but it's definitely something I can get used to.

When we finally pull away; breathing hard and sweating slightly; neither of us says anything.

Is that what making out feels like?

I like it... I like it a lot... It leaves me wanting so much more.

"Well," Chloe says, readjusting her shirt, "That happened,".

I nod and brush my hair down, "Yeah... s-sorry,".

"Don't," she says, reaching out to me with a shaky hand, "What you did right now? Kissing me? That was uncool, not gonna lie. You knew what you were doing... you knew I'm with Rachel but... I'm not complaining?".

Her voice suddenly cracks, making her last statement sound like a question.

Oh no... did... did I break her?

"Oh, God," Chloe says suddenly, "I'm just like her!".

I shrink back, that queasy feeling making itself known again. I can't even say how she's nothing like Rachel because it I do... she'll know I knew about Rachel's affair(s), and I can't do that.

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