When He Realizes

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"She looks stunning in that red bikini, doesn't she?" Rossi taunts quietly from behind Hotch.

"Can it, Dave." He takes another sip of the bitter beer. "She's my subordinate."

Rossi flips the last of the burgers," So you can't call her beautiful?" Rossi puts them on the plate and starts cleaning up," but ah yes the beauty that is fraternization." Rossi watches his best friend carefully, he's never seen Hotch give that look.

"Look daddy!" Jack squeals happily from the pool. Prentiss lifts him up, showing off her very nice curves, and tosses him.

Hotch feels a pang of so many emotions. Guilt. Jealousy. And even a little bit of attraction. "I see you, buddy!"

Rossi walks behind Hotch with the burgers and whispers," it's just Emily, Aaron. Get in there. She's seen them before."

He tries to pretend that he doesn't know what 'them' are but he can't get the image of them out of his head.

"Daddy!" Jack yells again from the pool. "Come play."

He can't. 

"It's okay Jack," Emily laughs tickling the young boys side's. "We can have fun, can't we? Wanna race to the other side?"

Jack leaps out of Emily's arms and starts swimming as fast as he can away. "I'm gonna win, Miss Emily!"

Emily glances up at Hotch and nods before splashing after his son.

Maybe Dave's right. Maybe she feels something for him.

'You're telling me that you believe she doesn't care for you? How? Do you not see the way she looks at you? How much she cares when you're hurting? I've seen her. It's not just how she looks at you, it's what she says. How many times as she told it's gonna be okay? You're not alone? You don't have to be alone? Everything's okay? Do you wanna talk about it?' Rossi's look was profound and happy," she's fallen for you Aaron. Those are things you asks someone you love. She's stayed by your side. She's fallen Aaron, hard. You're the only thing standing in the way.'

He's standing in the way.

How does he move out of the way?

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