23 (More Than A Date)

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"I want her."

"Dead?" Right hand men are always depicted as ignorant and fairly dumb, look at the Storm Troopers or the Minions for example, and right now his best man is complete fool.

"No." He hisses throwing his fist down. Papers on his desk fly about, one paper in particular stands out with the absence of all the others. "I want her whole team. All of those bastards."

Craig, the worst second in command you could as for, looks puzzled," even the kids?"

"If you can get your hands on them, yes. Don't go out the way to get them, though."
"Oh, you didn't make a complete idiot of yourself." Emily says sipping her Dr. Pepper and she smiles at Hotch with a new found happiness. "Okay, yeah that's a lie. You did."

Hotch smiles and chuckles as Emily takes another fry from his plate. "Well you did say yes so I think it's safe to say, I did something right."

"Yes, I suppose you do something right." They seat in content silence until Hotch glances at his watch.

His chest fills with a sadness he can't shake. "It's ten o'clock."

Emily's smile falls," oh."

Silently they stand and Hotch helps her into her jacket.

"We should do this again," Emily says hopeful.

"Yeah," Hotch agrees searching his pocket for his key.

"Hey!" They both look up and Emily's eyes give away her terror.

"Hotch run!" She pushes him away from her as one figure turns into ten.

"What? Why?" He sees the approaching men and starts to push Emily along when to strong arms grab him by the back and he's falling.



His lights are literally kicked out.

Emily doesn't get anywhere. Hands on her arms and one big hand that presses a cloth to her face," goodnight luv."
A small light swings back and forth above Emily. As it swings behind her head she can focus through the pain of her headache enough to see people around her but as soon as it swings forward she's in the darkness.


There's a horrible throbbing directly behind her left ear.

"I'm right here." She whispers hoarsly and there's a gasp.

"Oh thank God. Guys, she's awake."


"Emily!?" JJ.

"JJ! Oh my god!" They're all here aren't they? He got them. He got them all. "Are all of you here? Where are we?"

There's the distinct clearing of man's throat," we're all here except Reid and Hotch. They took Reid about an hour ago but we haven't seen Hotch at all. We're hoping he didn't get taken."

Emily's heart swells with fear at the thought of what they could be doing to Hotch and Reid. "No," she breaths out. "They got him."

Several distinct 'damn's fill the room and Emily picks one out," Will?"

"Right here, darlin'." Comes his answer.

"They didn't-"

A large door, no one had noticed until just then, creaks open. Three shadows come in, one shadow holding another.

"Come on, dammit." Comes a thick accent and a swift kick is delivered to the shadow carrying the other.

"Reid?" Is whispered but Emily can't tell who the people are.

Another shadow comes in and the light swings giving her a perfect view of the last person she ever wanted to see.

Emily looks down and moves, she's not tied down.

"Ah, Emily dear, can you join us over here?" Comes the thick Irish accent.

She stands on unsteady feet and stumbles to the shadows.

"There she is," says the all-to-familiar voice. "How are you doing Luaren? Or should I call you Emily? After all that is what you've used to lie to these poor people for the last couple years."

Emily looks over and it is Reid. Reid and Hotch. Neither look like they're really listening. Reid's lip is bleeding and his left eye is fairly swollen. Hotch's nose is very broken and his shoulder looks dislocated.

"No. That's where you're wrong. I lied to you." She sneers and he quickly snatches the back of her hair.

"I can certainly say I haven't missed your attitude."

Emily smiles," I didn't miss you for a second...Ian."

Ummm... this should be interesting


P.S. SuperNatural gave me an awful idea for out little babies here

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