19 (Alaska)

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"We have have case."

All in all, cases aren't always that bad. When compared to kid cases most are a breeze.

"Well, you my lovely people are going to Alaska."

Unless it's in Alaska. No one likes Alaska.

"Did you know that Alaska is the largest state? Not in population, that's California, but in land size." Reid steps off the jet and is silenced by the same strong gust of wind that is currently causing JJ and Emily to hide behind the men.

"I hate Alaska," Emily says hunching over behind Rossi.

"It sucks," Morgan agrees pulling his jacket closer. 

"Alright," Hotch picks his bag up, looking pretty much unaffected by the harsh wind. "We need to get set up."

Morgan rolls his eyes Emily feels a stomach full of hatred blossom in her stomach. Since when has she cared about Morgan being a big baby about everything Hotch says?

God, I'm in for it." She grabs her suitcase and drags it along behind Hotch.


Hotch looks down at the small number of keys in his hand," we're gonna have to double up."

JJ grabs Reid's wrist and Garcia grabs Morgan's hand," I call dark chocolate, boss man!"

Hotch tosses Morgan a set of keys.

"I got Spence," JJ says plucking a set out of Hotch's open hand.

"Well," Rossi says with smirk. "I feel unwanted."

"There's two rooms left," Hotch says still looking at his extended hand.

"Sorry, Hotch." Rossi says with the same shit-eating-grin. "It's either the girl or me getting that none shared room."

Emily looks between Hotch and Rossi," I know how Rossi sleeps. I won't out anyone through that." She takes the key out of Hotch's hand, leaving only one key, and tosses it to Rossi," come on Hotch. We can share a room."

Emily picks up her suit case and starts the slow walk to their rooms.

Rossi winks at Hotch and smacks his suitclad shoulder," good luck."

Hotch picks his own suitcase up and follows behind Emily.

"I hope you don't mind sharing with me," Emily says turning around to smile at him, a smile that makes his heart skip and his hair stand on in.

"No, it's fine," he croaks with a small forced smile.

"Good," she steps back and he steps past her too open the door. "So, how many beds do we have to work with."

He doesn't have to answer as he opens the door to see the bed that lies in the room, hardly big enough for two grown adults who won't/can't touch eachother while sleeping.

"Oh," Emily says biting her lip. "This just became that much harder."

Hotch slips into the room beside her. He puts his suit case on the little table at the side of the table, allowing her full excess to the bed.

She still comes to his side and puts her stuff on the table.

"What're you doing?" He pulls out the files from the crime scene and puts them on table.

"Well we can't sleep on the bed if our suitcases are on it." She unzips her bookbag and pulls out pajamas.

"We?" Hotch asks hand stuck in the middle of his bag.

"Yes," Emily says slipping away towards the bathroom. "We can't be an agent down, yet. We just started this case."

"An agent down?" Why are women so confusing?

She walks into the bathroom and leans out," if you sleep on the floor, your backs gonna be sore. Really sore. So we're gonna be one agent down if everytime you move you hiss in pain."

The door shuts and Hotch is left in the big part of the room, alone.

Emily watches silently as Hotch paces their room's floor.

Mumbling under his breath he makes the same pattern over and over.

Six long strides towards the door. A turn on the right heel. Six long strides away from the door. A turn on the left heel. Over. And. Over.

"...red lines....blood. The blood... younger than forty...splatters..." he turns on his left foot and sees her. "Emily, you're awake."

"Hmmm, imagine that." She says tilting her head," I'm awake."

Hotch bounces back on his heels," you weren't awake a second ago."

She pulls the blankets up to her shoulders," actually I was...I was also awake the second before that."

Hotch rocks again on his heels," I didn't know. Did I wake you?"

"I don't think so," she says sniffling and pulling her hair off of her shoulders.

"Uh..okay that's good." He rocks again and his hands clench and unclench tightly. One of his two tells.

"Hotch?" Emily says pinning the blanket to her chest with one hand. "Come lay down."

"Yeah...yeah I should do that."

He'd been starring up at the ceiling for about an hour. "Yes?"

She turns onto her side and tucks her hands under her cheek," do you believe in God?"

He glances over at her and back up at the ceiling, which had begun to spin. "I...I don't think so."

He sees her smile," what about like...aliens?"

He smiles this time too," uh no."

Emily tugs the blanket up and Hotch looks down as the blanket rises on up on his chest.

They lay in silence for a while.

Rossi, hell anyone on the team, would tease him relentlessly at how easily Emily coaxed him into bed. Then again, he doesn't have to worry with that because they won't find out.

"What...what made you not believe? In God, I mean." She hand snacks under the covers and she places it between her knees.

"Life." Is his simple reply. "It's lead me to alot of hopeless conclusions."

She rolls over onto her back and looks up at the ceiling," I'm sorry."

"For what?" Hotch asks, turning to face her now.

"That life hasn't been kind to you."

He nods and moves his hand so it's near hers. He takes it and she holds his back," you can't apologize for something you didn't do."

She smiles but her eyes still look sad. "I can still wish it hadn't happened."

He smiles a tight lipped smile," it's gotta happen to somebody."

I'm sorry I didn't update all week. I've been extremely busy with school and what not. Hopefully I can update tomorrow. I promise I'll try.


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