15 (Easter)

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"Come on, Jack!"

After dragging them to church, Rossi proposes an Easter Egg Hunt.

"Uncle Spence! Look!" Another bright green egg is found just above little Henry's head. "Get it!"

Emily crawls under the thorn bush to retrieve a lost Smarties pack.

"Hey Dave!" Morgan calls from the cooler. "I'm gonna get another bear for me and my lovely lady over here." Garcia winks and Dave smirks.

"Go ahead."

After sending a wink Henry's way, the boy had found an egg under Rossi's seat, Rossi turns to Hotch. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." Truly Aaron Hotchner is anything but fine. He's livid. Sad. Thrilled. Excited. In pain. And a little bored.

"You don't look 'fine'." Rossi challenges stretching himself out beside Hotch. "You look like somethings on your mind."

Hotch watches silently as Emily lifts Jack up to reach a pink egg placed in the gutter.

"This is the first year I've missed Easter."

Rossi nods, rubbing at his beard, and takes in Hotch's words.

"You're here," Rossi says looking at Hotch. "He knows you're doing all you can." Rossi nods at the now giggling Jack Hotchner," he's happy. He won't remember any of this in a couple years." Rossi puts a comforting hand to Hotch's shoulder," you're here. That's all that matters."

Morgan jumps up from his chair," anyone wanna play kickball?"

That's how it all went straight to hell.

Everything. From Rossi's perfectly constructed lawn to Henry's understanding of the very game Kickball.

Hotch plays ref. leaving Rossi to roll the ball.

"Hey! That's a foul!" Morgan yells, a giant smile plastered across his face.

Hotch leans heavily on his crutches and grips the hand rest tightly," they're kids, Derek. Fouls happen, I'm not going call a foul." Hotch bites it off a little harsher than necessary and everyone falls silent.

"Aaron, are you okay?" Rossi tucks the ball under his arm.

It's just that. Everything is wrong. A blind man can see the looks Morgan keeps throwing Emily. They just keep coming. Everytime he looks around there they are laughing together, smiling at one another, making those stupid lovey dovey eyes at each other.

"I'm fine," one can't be taken seriously when one must hop away on crutches.

"Are you sure?"



Rossi shrugs it off but Jack looks devastated.

Emily's torn.

"Hey, Em." Morgan yells grabbing her attention with a big smile. "Cover second base for me?"

Emily nods and jogs off to take Morgan's place. She swallows the lump in her throat, what the hell is going on?
Emily glances at Hotch but Morgan pulls her attention away with a small tug on her hand," wanna beer?"

She shakes her head, she won't tell him but she volunteered to take Hotch and Jack home.

"Alright." Morgan winks at her and jogs off to get said beer.

Between Morgan's constant flirting and Hotch's sour mood Emily feels like she's going insane. Her gut screams for her to be with Hotch but she will feel bad for just leaving Morgan.

"Can you hand me that?" She jumps, Hotch raises an eye brow but he doesn't move. She hands him the water bottle he's pointing to and he leans back on the crutches.

"How's your leg," she asks trying to calm herself back down.

"Well I got shot so there's a deep hole in my leg but all things considered, not that bad." He looks down at her and there's an awkward silence between them. "Emily about that k-"

"Hey Emily! Do you want a water?" Damn Derek Morgan.

"Uh, no thank you!" Emily yells and when she turns back Hotch is already a good few feet away.

She watches as he moves his wounded leg stiffly. The P.T. guy said that Hotch shouldn't be on it at all. He said that the pain should keep him off of it but the pain meds. haven't been touched and yet Hotch gets around.

"What did Hotch want?" Once again Emily jumps as another attractive man walks silently behind her.

He'd been saying something..." I don't know."

Morgan leans back and puts an arm around Emily's back. "He's been awfully strange lately."

Emily tries not to go as stiff as a board at Morgan's touch but she can't stop herself," I'm sure he's fine."

Morgan pops the top off of his beer and takes a sip," he always is."

I watched JJ's wedding scene earlier and the scene with Hotch and Emily makes me so freaking happy❤❤

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