20 (TLC)

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"This is exactly why I hate watching you all leave for cases," Garcia wipes a tear from her eye and hugs JJ as softly as she can. "My little ducklings are all bruised and battered."

She gasps as she looks over and sees Morgan, Hotch, and Emily all coming in together. "My poor babies!"

Hotch winces in pain at her loud exclamation and Garcia gasps again," sir! Not your ears again."

Emily uses her good arm to help put pressure over his ear," yeah, his ears took a beating."

"I'm fine," Hotch groans, his voice a harsh whisper.

She pulls Morgan into a hug," what happened to you guys?"

Hotch's head starts to fall but it jerks up," it's not that bad. We're all going to be fine."

Garcia looks skeptical.

"Just four concussions. Six broken ribs. Three dislocated shoulders. Four pairs of broken ear drums. Oh, and a bruised clavicle." Hotch tips forward and Morgan catches him a with a hand to the chest.

"Oh my gosh, sir!" Garcia pushes on of the desk chairs so Hotch can seat in it.

"He's got a concussion on top of busted ear drums, the chair isn't going to help." Reid says hugging his coat as he leans heavily against the wall.

"Maybe we should all go home?" Rossi asks, a protective hand over his ribs.

"Yes, you need to go home." Garcia picks up three bags and her own and ushers them away.
"Where's Emily?" Rossi walks into the living room which, before he left to get drinks, had had every BAU Agent in it, except Hotch.

"She said-"

"She's been back there with Hotch since you left."

"Alright," Emily says untucking Hotch's shirt from his pants. "I think you can sleep in your boxers. That sound good?"

He uses his good arm to lean againt the wall," Emily..."

She begins to lift his shirt but his hand comes down to stop her.

"Hotch, you have to take your dress shirt off." She looks up at him and his eyes are full of a broken deep rooted sadness.

"Emily..." he breathes out. He pitches forward and she steadies him.

"I think we need to get you to bed," she places a hand on his sternum and jerks at the bed covers.

"I hope this isn't just your way of trying to get into my pants," he whispers putting his head against the wall," because that was a weak pick-up line."

She laughs softly and comes back to stand in front of him," hmm. Depends, did it work?"

He lets her wrap an arm around as she leads him to the bed," I don't really know. If it did, I don't think I'm in any shape to even walk let alone try to kiss you."

"How endearing," she says and watches him closely as he seats on the edge of the bed. "Alright, now your shirt. Come on we gotta get it off."

Hotch blocks her hands with his hands," trust me, Emily. Just leave my shirt on."

Suddenly, it dawns on her.

"The scars," she says almost heart broken. "You don't want me to see the scars." He looks down and she places her hand against his cheek," Aaron." Oh, how the name sounds like it was made just so she could say it. "Look at me." She raises his head and his light brown eyes meet her nearly black ones," you don't have to hide your scars from me." She keeps her hand on his cheek as her left hand goes back to raising his shirt.

"They're bad." He says hoarsly, their eyes never leave each other's. She can feel his body clench up as one of her fingers brushes some of the raised skin," I don't mind."

She gets the shirt to his shoulders and then she breaks their eye contact.

Her heart sinks but she smiles," I always knew you were covering up muscles underneath those suits."

He smirks but keeps his gaze away from hers.

"Aaron, don't." He looks at her and she puts her hand back on her cheek. She brushes away a tear that threatens to fall," these scars are just scars. They're stories. Your story. You won every single one of these battles and I'm so so proud of you."

He looks away again and she lifts his chin.

"I'm going to kiss you," she whispers and he gulps.

"I'm not gonna stop you."

She leans in and she can feel his beathe against her-

"Well..uh..wrong room?"

Haha. Did you actually think I was gonna let them kiss?? You wish.

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