25 (Fight)

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Ian made the mistake of leaving the bat in the room with them. Emily jumped right on it, she made the mistake of leaving Reid and Hotch, and Ian's men jumped on the unprotected Hotch and Reid. She just looks at the shards of the broken bat. After few moment's of shock Emily seats to work cutting the ropes that bound the members of her team to their chairs.

"It stopped," by it they meant the tortured screams of their friend's.

"Do you think they're coming back?" Rossi's wrist still hadn't stopped hurting him.

Emily examines the bits of bat, looking for the sharpest peices. "They will," she runs her finger over a sharper peice," and we're going to kill them."

Rossi takes the wood chip he's given and runs his finger over it.

"We just gonna stab 'em?" Will asks as Emily hands him his peice.

Emily takes the biggest chunk of bat," all of them. We stab them or we die."

Morgan glances at Rossi and Rossi shakes his head. Rossi steps forward," Emily this is insane. I truly have no room to speak of acts of insanity like I'm some angel but this can't work. We could kill Hotch or Reid."

Emily takes her bat to the door," we have to. For Hotch and Reid."

Will flips his peice in his hand and nods," she's right. We kill them...or they kill us."

Morgan nods," she's right."

Hesitantly they take their places. Everyone waits on their toes for any approaching footsteps. They're so ready...until they actually hear footsteps.

Their plan is simple. The door opens and they wait to make sure Hotch and Reid are out of the way and then they strike.

The door opens and their hair stands on end. Everything stops. It takes ages for the door to ease open and even longer to see that Hotch and Reid didn't come back. This knowledge fuels their rage. With their new found anger two of Ian's men drop like flies.

Morgan drops the next one before he even knows what's happening.

"Where's Ian?" Emily says her bat still half raised ready for anything.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get out of here." Rossi crouches down and takes all three guns from the men.

Emily takes one of the guns and JJ gets the bat. Rossi hands Morgan a gun and Will the other.

Emily loads the gun and checks the safety," lets get Reid and Hotch."

She takes off and ignores Rossi's calls for her to come back. She jogs down the hall and she can hear other doors opening and shutting.

"JJ!" Will yells and three shots takes down the big idiot who rushes her.

Will helps her to her feet. JJ hugs him and Rossi moves the rest of them on.

Emily moves down the halls with deadly precision. She keeps her gun raised for any signs of life.

Then she finds it. Or rather him.

"Hotch." She jogs into the room. She can see his lips moving but can't hear what he's saying. She keeps coming in and eventually she hears him.

"Karl Arnold." He whispers and he keeps saying.


"Karl Arnold." He whispers as she comes closer and he becomes louder. "Karl Arnold." Again and again. "Karl Arnold."

She moves the gun to her left and raises her right," Hotch?"

"Karl Arnold." He whispers and her heart drops. "Karl Arnold."

She moves slowly to his side. The chains on his wrist have turned his wrist purple from the lack of blood flow.

She gets closer and she can see that he's crying.

"Karl Arnold. Karl Arnold." He says and when she touches him he writhes away. "Karl Arnold!"

Emily removes her hand," Aaron I don't understand."

He starts to shake and more tears slide down his bloodied face," Karl Arnold. B-Benjamin Cyrus. Jimmy Hall. Joe Smith. Roy Woodridge. George Foyett."

Emily shakes her head and leaves Hotch to find the key. Karl Arnold. Benjamin Cyrus. Jimmy Hall. Joe Smith. Roy Woodridge. George Foyett.

She finds her answer on a table only a few feet away.

"Hotch, I have to unchain you." He doesn't move this time and allows her to unchain him.

"I-I am sorry." He whispers as she unhooks his right arm she quickly takes the weight off of his left arm by lifting him up as best as she can. "I should have stopped them."

Emily unchains his left and they both fall to the ground under his weight.

"Emily," he whispers and grunts in pain as she rolls him onto his back. "I'm sorry."

She pulls what remains of his shirt away so that she can see the damage Ian did.

"Gotta tell Morgan..." Hotch whispers grabbing her arm. "Gotta tell him."

Emily takes his hand away from her arm," Aaron I don't understand."


She jumps up with her gun pointed at the door when she hears approaching footsteps.

"Emily it's me." Morgan says his hands up.

"Morgan," Hotch calls fighting out of Emily's grip.

"Hotch?" Morgan comes in and takes a step back when he sees Hotch.

Hotch fights his way up and Emily grabs his hand," Hotch you're hurt."

Hotch stumbles and Morgan catches him.

"I do trust..." Hotch mumbles as falls.

Morgan helps Hotch down," I know Hotch."

"Guys!" Garcia runs in and Will has Reid in his arms.

"We've got Reid." Rossi says at the door. "Morgan. Get him up and lets go."

It seems so bizarre but suddenly it all makes sense in Emily's head.

"He's drugged," Emily says opening Hotch's eyelids so she can see his eyes better. "Ian drugged him."

JJ gasps," that means..."

They all look at Reid. "He's drugged too."

"We have to get out of here." Rossi says again this time moving in to room.

Morgan and Emily pick Hotch up and they move slowly to the door.

"Lets go."

I had a very sick and twisted idea that I could have done but even that was a little to sick for me....however I can write out what I was going to do if you'd actually like to know.


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