21 (Cuddling)

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"Well..uh..wrong room?"

"Hello, Dave." Emily says placing her hands on Hotch's thighs and looking over at the older man.

"I have to say, this is not what I was expecting when I walked down here." He smiles and leans against the doorframe," however I'm happy I get to be the first to witness this."

Hotch lays back on the bed and covers his eyes with his arm.

"Nothing was happening," Emily says standing up.

"Really? It certainly looked like the two of you were about to kiss..or were you just examining one another's eyes in a very intimate manor?"

Both are silent and Rossi smiles even more," it's okay, kids." He says with wink," I won't tell anybody."

He sends them both another smile and turns out the door. Once the door is shut again Emily sighs and lands on the bed beside Hotch.

"That was....."

"Like being cought by your parents," Hotch finishes with a yawn.

Emily seats up with a wince," come on. We gotta get you in bed."

She sticks out her uninjured hand and he takes it. He seats up with a grunt," you're injured too."

She helps him stand on his feet and then turns to finish pulling the sheet off of the bed," yes I'm I can stand on my feet."

He says nothing to that just keeps leaning against the wall and closes his eyes.

It feels like it takes forever for her too pull the covers off of the bed but as soon as her hand touches his arm he jumps.

"Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you." With a solid hand to his chest she turns him so he's facing the bed. "Lay down."

He lets her ease him to the bed," you need to lay down too."

She nods and as she turns he grabs her wrist," lay with me?"

She smiles," I was planning on that."

She strips down to her shirt and underwear and crawl under the covers.

"You know," Emily turns onto her side and looks at him. "I've always wondered. What is your favorite color?"

He turns his head and looks at her," red." He smiles at her," I actually think I already know yours. Blue?"

She smiles and blushes," yes."

He looks down at her lips and catches a glimpse of a scar on her chin. He touches it gently," where did you get this?"

She frowns and whispers," Cyruss."

She can't stand the look of hurt that flashes on Hotch's face," I thought you were fine. You said you were fine."

She puts her hand over his, pinning both their hands to her chin," I didn't want you to worry."

He looks into her eyes," I don't mind worrying about you Emily. I care about you."

She smiles and runs her thumb over his hand," God. I wish you'd stop doing that."

His heart sinks and he immedialty thinks he's done something wrong. "Stop doing what?"

There it is again, that look in his eyes that display the oh-so human emotion of self-doubt. She's saw it in his eyes alot over the last couple years.

"Stop doing and saying things that make me want to kiss you." She says with a smile and she reaches up and stokes his cheek.

He smiles back and she traces out the demple in his cheek.

"Emily, can I kiss you?"

She blushes and smiles," how can I possibly say no?"

He seats up and looks down into her eyes. He moves in and their lips brush before she forces them together. Hotch's hair stands on end as her hand slips into his hair and messes it up. Their bodies heat up under the scrutiny of the others.

"Emily," Hotch gasp when they break apart.

Her hand slides up his bare chest to his cheek," we're hurt, Aaron. We can continue this another time. For now, however, I would enjoy a nice cuddle."

He grins at her and she pulls him down so she melt into his side.

"Cuddle," he repeats as she lays her head on his chest. "Men do not cuddle, Emily."

She places her left hand over his heart and gently rubs circles," yes they do. They just do it behind closed doors."

He smiles and kisses her head," it's okay. Good for body heat."

She laughs," yeah. Body heat is exactly what people think of when they're told you cuddled with someone."

He wraps his arms around her," I'm not most people, Emily."

"Oh God, no." She pulls the blankets up to their shoulders," you're much better."

Well here's a second one... I hope you guys like it. I'm exhausted so I don't know if this is my best work.


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