32 (Fool's Gold)

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"You are sick, Aaron." It's sad yet so fascinating the way his name rolls off of her lips. The way her lips form around the word. The power. The feelings. The anger.

"Look at me, Aaron!" It's like his fights with Haley all over again. "Go home."

His fever must have sky rocketed since this morning because even though he was picking up her anger he wasn't picking up the warning signs. 

"I don't need to," his own voice sounds worn out and distant. "I'm fine."

He'd almost dipped out of his chair several times before she came in to find him dipped over his desk half-asleep.

"Aaron you have a fever of at least one hundred degrees. I know it has to be higher." The anger flakes away to reveal fear. "You're delusional. I can see it."

He snaps to attention and as the words leave his mouth he regrets them," oh shut up Emily. You're so controlling. Don't act like you know me." He dips forward and she's across the room in an instant and grabs his shoulder.


He jerks away," leave me alone." His eyes burn with fever as he scowls at her," your help hasn't gotten me anywhere before. If anything it's only gotten me in worse shape."

She clenches her jaw and slaps him.

Her hand is cold and hard.

Growing up in the Hotchner family was very different from most family's. You learn to take a hit at a young age.

Yet... this hit was worse than anything he ever experienced.

"Fine," she bites out. "Screw you, Aaron."

Whatever haze the fever had put him in is gone and ice spreads over his body and his strength is gone.

His door slam shut and he flinches away.


Rossi scrambles from his desk. He has no idea why someone's outside his office but an angry woman is an angry woman.

"What! What! What?" He jogs out and comes face-to-face a very pissed off Emily Prentiss.

"He's sick." She says grabbing her purse. "Make him go home before his fever gets worse."

She's gone before anyone can ask what happened in Hotch's office.

"What the hell did you do boy?"

Hotch shakes his head and let's out a groan.


Hotch covers both his ears and Rossi touches his head. "You're burning up."


"She turned her badge and gun in."

The last coughing fit left Hotch tired and trembling.

"W-What?" Hotch seats up, grabbing the couch to steady himself, and stumbles to his feet.

"Alrighty now," Rossi grabs Hotch's arms and pushes him back to the couch.

"You're sick, Aaron. Lay down." Hotch fights against Rossi's push but he falls down.

"D-Don't let her go," he whispers between coughs. "I'm sorry. Don't let her leave."

Rossi covers Hotch up with a blanket," just get some rest."


"You did what!?"

Rossi's Italian mother new of only a few ways to beat a bad fever. *'Appena sudare il bambino,'* she used to say. 

*Just sweat it out, baby.*

It worked for Dave and luckily it worked for Hotch too.

"I don't know why I said it.." Hotch mumbles and he flinches when Rossi grabs the sides of his shirt.

"You damn fool!" Rossi shakes him. "She loves you! You-" Rossi let's go and kicks at the couch. "You idiot."

Rossi scratches at his beard," I can't believe you Aaron. You had something good. Someone who loved you. Hell! I'm sure she still loves you. LOVES you! You giant moron!"

Rossi seats down on the end of the coffee table in front of Hotch. "Listen to me son." He scrubs his face," I understand how you work. That you never notice people care. We do. We care. She cares. She loves the hell out of you boy!"

Hotch stands up from the couch," I'll find her....I'll-I'll tell her."



P.S. Don't be mad about what I'm about to put you through in this next chapter 😊❤

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