22 (Jessica)

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"Come on, Hotch." She shakes his shoulder and smiles when light brown eyes scowl up at her.

"Aww so adorable in the morning," she says with a mock grin. "Come on, up. Pain medicine." She pulls him up and she steadies him with a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine," he groans and she pushes two pills into his palm and hands him a glass of water.

"I know you're 'fine'," she takes the water back places it on the nightstand. "There's some sweats on the end of the bed, there's breakfast downstairs, we're waiting for you."

She turns with a skip and twirl and she's gone.
"Seat still," Jessica grabs his face and holds it still while she cleans out the cut above his eyebrow.

"You have to listen, Jessica." He says trying to wiggle his head out of her grasp.

"I swear Aaron, you're worse than your son." She puts her other hand a top his grey streaked brownish black hair and tilts his head back. "You've got yourself a nice concussion."

"I like Emily." She lets go and his heart thuds in his chest. He's taken aback as Jessica embraces him in a tight hug. "Jessica?"

She sniffles and her other hand comes to the bace of his neck," I... I'm really glad that she makes you happy, Aaron."

He's fairly confused," but... I thought you'd be..at least mad."

She leans back and puts both hands on his shoulders," of course I'm a little upset. That doesn't matter. What matters is that you're happy." He wipes away one of the tears that falls down her cheek. "You're a good man, Aaron. You deserve to be happy and I'm not gonna hate you for that."

He nods and she kisses his forehead," alright. Let's look you down." She resumes her pocking and suddenly Hotch's mouth works faster than his brain," do you Haley would be mad?"

Once again Jessica's hands come to a stop," Aaron. Honestly?"

He nods his head and she smiles," I think she'd be thrilled that someone loves the two of you."

Hotch smiles and Jessica pats his shoulder," however you're not off the hook. You need to get checked out, by a real doctor not me."

"I'll be fine."
"What do you mean he's back?" Emily's voice doesn't raise above a whisper.

"I mean he's back, Emily. You should tell your-"

"I'm not telling them, Clyde." Emily whispers harshly.

"Alright, alright." Clyde says in defeat," they seemed like goods chaps is all. I figured you'd tell them."

"I'm not telling them Clyde." Emily says again. "Goodbye."

"Good bye, las."

Can anybody guess what heart break I'm bringing down upon you?


P.S. Sorry I didn't update yesterday

P.P.S. If it makes you feel better I felt fairly bad for not updating

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