7 (Tell Us)

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"So tell us about you and Hotch," JJ says laying her head on the bottom of Garcia's bed.

"Well he's not taking his pain medicine," Emily says scooping herself a spoonful of ice cream. "Jack really likes Dragons. He even has this little-"

Garcia seats up, almost tossing the ice cream to the floor," no dear. We want the goosie goo on you and the bossy man." She tilts her head a bit to the side and waits for Emily to comply.

"He's nice," Emily says quietly, her eyes slip to the bed spread where she fiddles instead of looking at either of her friends. "Now everything's going to be hard." She looks up for only a second before looking back down.

"You love him!" Garcia yells clapping her hands. "Oh my God!"

"Oh dear," JJ pulls Emily into a hug and surprisingly she starts to cry.

"This is so impossible!" She says into JJ's shoulder. "I love a man who doesn't smile! He's married to his job and the only person he really loves is Jack!" Neither JJ nor Garcia make an attempt to stop her crying," I'm going to get my heart broken by a man who doesn't smile."

JJ pulls away from Emily's grasp," look at me, honey." She waits for Emily's eyes to raise to her own," he's not heartless. You got a first hand experience of him being kind and caring. Sure we all make the joke that he's heartless but don't we all know better? We've seen him broken, Em. You can't be broken if you don't have a heart."

Emily wipes her eyes and bites her lip, once she's gained some of her composure she nods. "I'm sorry. Really. I'm about to get my period and I'm using a new birth control and it's really been a month from hell."

Garcia pulls her into a hug," it's okay, honey. We understand."
"Well I have to lie," three hearty cups of whiskey and two hours of small talk finally brings them to Rossi's intended topic, Emily.

"Why do you have to lie?" Rossi asks refilling their cups.

"She can't know," Hotch says simply his mind screams for him to fall silent and he makes a comprise with short sentences.

"Can't know about your feelings?" Rossi pushes the full glass into Hotch's hand.

"She can't know, Dave." Hotch seats the drink down and begins to rub at his head. "I'll ruin it all."

Rossi stands up and moves to sqaut down in front Hotch," listen to me, son." He couldn't help letting 'son' slip from his mouth. Years ago he'd started the habit and now it just comes out without a second thought. "Have you seen the way she looks at you? The way she cares? No woman in her right mind would bother herself with you as much as she does. You're stubborn and pigheaded. Not to mention you're very self destructive. Yet everyday she comes in here to hear that you haven't taken your medicine. Everyday, she asks." Hotch looks away from Rossi and to the floor. Thinking. "She likes you somthing great Aaron, so don't you dare try and blow her off."

Rossi stands, with the aid of the table beside them, and holds his hand out," now let's go. We need to get you home."
Emily knocks swiftly on Hotch's office door and then opens it slowly, as to not scare him," did you take-"


She comes into the room and just stares dumbstruck for a moment. "Really? You did?"

He nods, his chest feels like a thousand warriors are seating on it. Stop acting like a teenage boy Aaron. Act cool.

"I can't believe," She says with the biggest smile he's ever seen. She bites her lip," Thank you." She turns to leave," it means alot. You know, that you actually listened."

She leaves and he stares at the now empty spot she just occupied.

He made her day, simply by taking care of himself.

Maybe Dave's right.

DID YOU GUYS SEE THE NEW HOMECOMING TRAILER. I'm sorry I'm such a bitch for Marvel movies.


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