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The problem with love is simple. Of all the powers that drive us: love is the scariest. Love means that in the name of this person you will kill. You will die. You will search the ends of the earth to find them. You will do unspeakable things to guarantee their safety. All of this...in the name of love?

For Aaron Hotchner:
Love is searching for her. All day. All night. He hasn't eaten anything besides a couple pieces of toast for the last four weeks. Love means when he finds her he'll never let go. Never again. She'll never feel the pain he brought upon her. He will keep her safe because he's tired of people hurting her. Love. It's a powerful drug.

The thing is: love goes both ways. Either the lack of it or... the overwhelming return of it. When it goes both ways that's worse. Think about it. On both ends of this dopamine enhanced experience is two people both crazy from the over release of pheromones. Both willing to unimaginable things...in the name of love.

Killing. Yeah, that's the real problem. No one minds the two love birds whispering and giggling. What you do mind is the crazy lady with the knife threatening to cut your throat because you looked at her significant other. That's what people mind about love.

Yet, we're still willing to endure it. We seak it.

"What the hell are you doing out here?"

He hadn't realized he had company. He had made just about everyone want to kill him here lately. And he can't blame them.

As for why could he possibly want to be on the FBI Academy roof? ...well that's simple.

"A couple weeks ago, when we had that huge storm, I was stuck in the car shed because my car broke down. Emily came. I didn't ask her too. I guess, I just feel like if I stand out here long enough she'll come." Rossi's face falls at Hotch's declaration. The creases in his face deepen and he lets out a sigh of dispare.

"Aaron," Rossi calls over the rain," you're going to get sick out here."

Rossi waits patently with the door open," come on, son. What if you get struck by lightening?"

"The actual possibility of me being struck by lightening are about 1 in 2,500. Even if I was struck it I would most likely die of cardiac arrest rather than my internal organs being fried from inside out." He speaks over the rain with his back turned. "Either way... I'm staying."

Rossi almost walks away. Almost gives Hotch exactly what he wants...but he doesn't.

"Are you stupid?" Rossi steps out into the rain," really? I'm being serious. She's not coming back, Aaron. Can't you see what you've done? You drove her away and now she's gone." It's morbid. The look that flashes across Hotch's.

Hotch falls to his knees and Rossi can see the tears that fall from his eyes," let it hit me!" He yells over the rain at Rossi," kill me! I can't take it anymore, Dave! I'm an awful person! I deserve it!"

Rossi puts a hand on his shoulder," you're not awful...you're just in love."


"I've got a glock levelled at the babies, Ian. Do you really want to threaten my team again?" She cocks her head to the side and Ian keeps up the smile that Emily is positive is stuck to his face.

"I dare you, dear. You've got a glock I can't see but just imagine what I have pointed at your team and you right now. All of which... you can't see." He gives her a sly wink and slides out of his chair," anyways. I'll see you later, las. Good seeing you."

Ian struts away in such a delicate matter she knows it's to drive her crazy. Each foot placed carefully in front of the other.

"Oh, and las?" Ian turns back to face her with that same shit-eating-grin," tell Aaron I can't wait for our next encounter."

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