1-the return

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Jessica and Alice had met a few months prior. Alice had been crying softly in the corner of a coffee shop and Jessica, being the kind soul she is, cheered her up. Now, they were inseperable friends and always hung out, between Jessica's busy schedule. Sometimes Jessica even brought her along.

Jessica knocked on the door, beaming. The door opened slowly and standing there was a yawning Alice. "Jess!" Alice yelled hugging her. Jessica had just gotten back from a long trip to America with her sister. "How was your flight?" Alice said inviting her in and closing the door. "Fine, fine. How are you?" Jessica said sitting down next to her. "Oh, I've been busy with work stuff. How is the shop Miss CEO?" Alice laughed. Jessica laughed too. "It's going well." Jessica smiled. She was happy to finally be back with her best friend. Alice got up and handed her a biscuit. "I tried a new recipe. I hope you like it!" Alice grinned. Baking was one of Alice's hobbies, and eating was one of Jessica's. Alice also poured two glasses of wine out for them, knowing Jessica loved wine. "Ahh, you know exactly what I like! You're like my soul mate!" Jessica said sipping her wine. Alice laughed. "I've seen all the new photo shoots of you, you look gorgeous as ever." Alice said. Jessica and Alice were the kind of friends that made everyone uncomfortable as they always were unintentionally flirting with each other. "Why thank you." Jessica smiled at Alice. Krystal walked in. "Oh hello Krystal, or should I say the girl who always invites herself over." Alice laughed. "Hello to you too." Krystal said sitting down next to Jessica. "I heard your trip was good." Alice said leaning forward to look at Krystal. "It was." Krystal said taking a biscuit from the plate on the coffee table. "Is this a new recipe?" Krystal asked, a mouth full of food. Alice nodded. Jessica rested her head on Alice's shoulder. "I missed you guys." Alice said smiling.

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