12-the beach

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The sun was out, the weather was warm for once and Jessica and Alice decided to go down to the beach near sunset. Alice loved the beach, so she instantly ran down, leaving her shoes in the car. "Jess, look at the beauty of this place!" Alice yelled out as Jessica followed her. "It is beautiful. But not as beautiful as-" Jessica was cut off by Alice screaming and jumping into the air. "What happened?" Jessica asked grabbing her. "C-Crab." Alice panted. Jessica laughed. "You got nipped by a crab?" Jessica said lifting Alice up. "Y-Yeah." Alice sighed wrapping her arms around Jessica's neck as she held her. "I will protect you from this foul beast!" Jessica said dramatically, rocking Alice from side to side. Alice laughed. "It hurt a lot though! Stop being mean." Alice said pouting. "Never." Jessica laughed. Jessica put Alice down and took her hand and pulled her around the beach. Jessica pulled Alice into the water. They were up to their ankles. "Would be a shame if....somehow you got wet." Alice smirked. Jessica raised an eyebrow when suddenly Alice kicked water into Jessica. Alice then bolted off, Jessica chasing after her. Jessica tackled her into the ocean, leaving them both soaking wet. "Jessica Jung." Alice sighed as they sat in the water. Jessica rested her forehead on Alice's. "Alice." Jessica sighed back. Jessica moved a hand to Alice's hip. Jessica slowly sat on Alice's lap. She finally closed the distance between them, kissing Alice gently and running her fingers through her hair. A wave hit them, knocking them over. Alice stood up laughing. Jessica didn't seem impressed. "I love you Alice." Jessica said pulling Alice close again. "I-AHHH NO NOT AGAIN!" Alice yelled jumping away and hopping around on one foot. "Did the crab beast get to you?" Jessica asked laughing. "Yes." Alice said glaring at Jessica. "What were you saying earlier?" Jessica said wrapping her arms around Alice's hips, stopping her from moving. "I love you too." Alice said grinning. "Alice, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" Jessica asked. "Of course." Alice smiled. Jessica kissed her again. The sun had finally set. "We gotta go Jess." Alice said taking Jessica's hand. Jessica lifted Alice up, sprinting off. Alice giggled as Jessica spun her around. "I'm soaking wet because of you." Alice pouted when they reached the car. "It's obviously your fault." Jessica smiled. Alice rolled her eyes. "You shoved me." "You splashed me first." "You didn't have to take it that far." "Yes I did." "No you-" Alice was cut off by Jessica kissing her. "What was I saying again?" Alice smiled. Jessica laughed. "Get in the car stupid."

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