11-the advice and the pain

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"So, you have a crush on THE Jessica Jung. And she likes you back." Wendy said processing everything. "Yeah pretty much." Alice said sighing. "Well, as singers we are experienced. We are the 5 member band Red Vel-" Irene started before she was cut off. "I know. I can hear your dance practise through the walls." Alice said rolling her eyes. "Alice, you should tell Jessica how you feel. She probably thinks you don't like her back." Joy said grinning. "Okay. I will. I'll buy her some flowers and tell her." Alice said sounding confident. "Good. Now girls we have to go now." Irene said dragging them off. "Thanks!" Alice yelled as they left.

Alice set out to pick out some flowers. She managed to buy some lovely roses, and started walking to Jessica's. All of a sudden she was confronted by some muscly men. "Um, what do you need." Alice said nervously. "Give us all your money." One said lurching forward. Alice began to ran, as she was stopped by another. "A runner are you?" The other bulky man said lifting her up. "Put me down!" Alice yelled. She tried to call for help but was muffled by the man's large hand. They pulled out her wallet and started taking cash. They then saw a photo of Alice and Jessica in her wallet. "Wait, you know Jessica Jung?" He asked. Alice nodded. "We'll let you go if you lead us to her." The man said smiling wickedly. "Never!" Alice yelled. She was then punched in the stomach, winding her. The muscular man dropped her and she fell to the ground. She tried to scramble up but was kicked over and over. She managed to stand and began to run again, but was picked up. "Tell us where Jessica lives." The man hissed. "No. I would never." Alice said, a tear rolling down her face. She was slapped. "HEY!" Alice heard a familiar voice call. Jessica and Krystal ran across the road. "Put her down. Now." Jessica snapped. "Give us some money Ice Princess." The man smiled punching Alice in the stomach then in the face. "How much." Jessica asked casually. "$1,000 should do it." The man said folding his arms. Jessica handed over the money and they dropped Alice with a thud. Jessica bent down. "Alice! You'll be okay." Jessica said. Alice could tell she was trying not to cry. Jessica noticed she was clutching roses, now slightly damaged. "Who are the roses for?" Jessica said touching Alice's wounds lightly. "You." Alice managed. Jessica smiled. "Krystal. Help me walk her back to my place." Jessica smiled. They took Alice under one arm each and walked with her.

Once Alice had recovered slightly that night her and Jessica were left alone. "So you were bringing me roses?" Jessica asked shyly. "Yes. Because I like you back." Alice said smiling. Jessica raised her eyebrows. Krystal was right. Jessica kissed her. Alice pulled away. "Sore lip." Alice said gesturing to the cut on her lip. "I'll kiss it better." Jessica smiled gently kissing Alice. They ended up close to each other, hands in each other's hair. "The Ice Princess is quite warm." Alice laughed softly. Jessica rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's get some rest." Jessica said dragging Alice off to Jessica's room.

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