7-the revenge

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Alice woke up the next morning, taking the tissue out of her nose, which was covered in so much blood Alice almost threw up. She threw it in the bin, and switched on her phone. Her phone nearly exploded with missed calls and texts from Jessica. Alice rubbed her eyes and got out of bed, to hear fists pounding at her door. "One minute." Alice said yawning. Alice swung open the door to see Jessica standing there. "Finally." Jessica said, still angry. "What do you need?" Alice said yawning. "We are going to talk this out like proper adults." Jessica said storming in. Alice rolled her eyes and sat down. "Look, I appreciate you standing up for me, but getting hurt was unnecessary. You took it too far." Jessica said folding her arms. "I know, I know. I messed up. But I'm sorry. Not to her, but to you." Alice said biting her lip. "I wanna forgive you so bad." Jessica muttered, just loud enough for Alice to hear. "Fine. I forgive you. But stop getting your face beaten up. You worry me too much." Jessica said unfolding her arms. "Thanks Jess." Alice said smiling weakly. "Now, get dressed. Breakfast is calling my name." Jessica smiled.

Jessica and Alice walked through Central Park by moonlight. Suddenly, Sara ran up to her. "Hey Jess! Are you free tomorrow night?" Sara said grinning. Alice glared from behind. "No. You know what? I don't have anytime for you. I know what you are trying to do. So get out of my life." Jessica snapped. "Oh come on. You can't trust what she says." Sara said gesturing to Alice. Alice gasped. Jessica stayed silent for a minute. Alice saw she was getting angry. Jessica slapped Sara. Alice was more shocked. "What the hell is going on?" Alice muttered to herself. "Let's go Alice." Jessica said dragging Alice off. "I won't let anyone talk about you like that." Jessica said stomping while dragging Alice. "Wow Jess you really showed her." Alice said, still shocked from what happened. "I know, I shouldn't have done it but she deserved it." Jessica said hugging Alice. Jessica then pulled Alice in for a gentle kiss, like the one in the museum. Then she walked back to the hotel like normal. "I just got over the last one!" Alice muttered to herself.

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