13-the first date

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Jessica was dressing herself up in her best clothes, humming a gentle tune to herself. "Krystal I'm going out!" Jessica said walking into the living room. "Where you off to? You seem very dressed up." Krystal said sitting up. "I'm going out with friends." Jessica said. "Who?" Krystal asked grinning. "God you sound like Mom." Jessica sighed. Krystal laughed. "Tell me stupid." "Alice." Jessica mumbled. "Awww, my big sis is in love!" Krystal said smiling widely. "Go to hell." Jessica said walking out the door.

Alice met Jessica in a fancy restaurant, which Alice couldn't afford to dine in but Jessica insisted. "Oh look, it's my girlfriend." Jessica smiled when Alice walked in. "Hey." Alice smiled quickly kissing Jessica before sitting down. "How was your day?" Jessica asked fiddling with something on the table. "Fine, boring though." Alice smiled at Jessica. "I did some recording today." Jessica said smugly. "Really! Jessica is coming back then!" Alice laughed. Jessica laughed too. Dinner came, and halfway through, Jessica felt bold. "Your eyes are truly magnificent." Jessica grinned. "Stop lying. Brown is such an ugly colour." Alice sighed. "It isn't. It suits you so well, and shows you as a person. It gives you character, and shows the beauty you have on the inside, not just the outside." Jessica smiled. "Awww, my heart just melted." Alice blushed. "Come on, lets get out of here." Jessica smiled grabbing Alice's hand. They walked down the street, and just as Jessica kissed Alice on the cheek, there was a camera flash. Alice rubber her eyes. Jessica was frozen in place. "What the?" Alice mumbled. Jessica sprinted off, leaving Alice confused. Alice sprinted off after her. "Alice you need to get away from me. Inside. Now!" Jessica yelled shoving Alice away. Alice ran back to her apartment, deciding that sleep was the best option.

When Alice woke up, she looked through the news to see "Jessica's hot date with a girl?" Alice sighed, and realised why Jessica ran off. People had found their relationship already. Alice decided to call Jessica. "Jess? Are you okay?" Alice asked. "No! I'm probably going to lose my job over this!" Jessica yelled. "Sorry. Bye." Alice said hanging up the phone. "Well, that was a short relationship. I'm not sure what is going to happen to us, but I can only assume that's the end." Alice sighed, tears welling in her eyes. She couldn't be seen outside ever again. Her life was over too. Not just her life, but the woman she loved was probably going to leave her behind. 

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