8-the hate

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After the very eventful trip to New York, Alice hadn't seen Jessica for about a week. Alice assumed she was busy with work commitments, until Krystal came around to her apartment one day. "Alice, I need help." Krystal said walking into the apartment. "What's the matter?" Alice said looking concerned. "Jessica hasn't left her room all week, and she won't talk to me. Can you try talking to her?" Krystal said through a face of worry. Alice nodded and the girls walked off.

Alice opened the door of Jessica's room slowly to see her with her face pressed into the bed. "Go away Krystal." Jessica mumbled. "It's not Krystal." Alice said shutting the door. Jessica looked up to see Alice. Alice sat down, observing Jessica's tear streaked face. "What's wrong Jess?" Alice said smiling softly. "Lots of people are saying mean things about me. They....they are calling me....ugly and mean....and fat." Jessica said, beginning to sob. Alice hugged Jessica. "Don't listen to them, they are all wrong." Alice said brushing the hair out of Jessica's face and wiping her tears. "Surround yourself with good comments, and the people you love." Alice said smiling softly. Jessica nodded. "T...thank you." Jessica managed.

Jessica was walking into a studio for an interview. There were heaps of people waiting outside. Unfortunately, they were a big group of saesang fans. a/n- if you don't know what a saesang fan is, please look it up. Jessica tried to push past, but had things thrown at her, her clothes pulled and her arms and face scratched. One girl hit her in the face, causing her lip to bleed. She ran inside, tears pouring down her face as she felt the blood drip from her cheeks. Jessica had to cancel the interview, and got taken home safely. She went to Alice. "Jess! What happened?" Alice said pulling Jessica inside. "Saesang fans, a lot of them. It hurts Alice, what did I do wrong?" Jessica said looking at Alice with remorse. "Nothing, people will always hate you, just ignore them and you will be fine." Alice said cleaning Jessica's wounds and applying a few bandaids. Jessica hugged her. "Jess, you are just going through a rough patch. I believe you can make it." Alice said hugging Jessica tightly. "Thank you Alice. What would I do without you." Jessica said looking up at Alice. Alice shrugged and smiled. "Now come on, let's do some baking." Alice smiled leading Jessica to the kitchen.

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