6-the troublesome 'friend'

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The girls didn't speak about what happened yesterday, but Alice was still dying internally from it. Jessica invited Alice to meet one of her friends that lived in New York. As soon as they saw each other, they hugged and sat down. Alice sat down also, but was feeling quite awkward. "Oh, Alice this is my friend Sara." Jessica said smiling. "Lovely to meet you Alice." Sara said smiling. "Lovely to meet you too." Alice said nodding at Sara. "So, Jess you met anyone you have fallen in love with yet?" Sara asked, completely ignoring Alice now. "I am unsure. "Jessica said simply. "I'm sure you'll find them. Make sure you look in the most unlikely of places, maybe even your friends?" Sara said laughing. Alice couldn't believe this, was she really flirting with Jessica? "Well, I'm going to go order." Jessica said getting up. Sara leaned close to Alice with a menacing look. "Listen, I'm going to date Jessica. I'm going to get all that money of hers, then break her heart. So back off." Sara hissed. "Wow, what a great friend you are. You know what? As soon as I saw you I knew you would be a bitch. And you are." Alice snapped back. "Oh yeah, as if you are friends with Jessica because of her personality." Sara said looking at Alice with disgust. "I am. If you would stop being a superficial asshole and looked at Jessica's personality for 5 seconds, you would see how great of a person she is. But some people are wired wrong." Alice hissed. "Are you calling me stupid?" Sara said grabbing Alice's shirt. "Maybe." Alice said. Sara punched her in the nose. Jessica saw it. "What is going on here?" Jessica said running over. "Alice was being rude." Sara said folding her arms. "Not as rude as you, you gold digging lying two faced bitch!" Alice said holding her nose. Alice could feel the blood pour out of it. Sara punched her again. "STOP!" Jessica yelled. "Now, I don't know what happened here but I expected more of both of you. Unbelievable." Jessica said storming out of the coffee shop. Alice ran out after her, her nose dripping with blood. "Jess! Wait up!" Alice yelled out. "I don't want to speak with you right now. I'll let you know when I'm ready to even face you." Jessica said, not looking at Alice. Alice bit her lip and walked back to her hotel. Alice didn't cry, she just let out a few tears.

Alice sat on her bed, a tissue up her nose and a black eye which throbbed with pain. After a few hours, there was a knock on her door. Alice got up and opened it, to see a still angry Jessica. "Tell me everything that happened and don't lie." Jessica said, giving one of her signature 'Ice Princess' stares. They sat down on Alice's bed together. "So, when you walked away, Sara told me that she was going to seduce you, date you then take all your money and break your heart. So I got really angry at her because that is such a shitty thing to do and then we got in a fight." Alice said, slightly embarrassed at her actions. "So you were standing up for me? Wow, I never realised Sara was like that." Jessica said, looking off into the distance. "Still, you shouldn't do things like that. You made a scene in public and you got your nose busted up. Don't think I'm still not mad at you." Jessica said folding her arms. "I don't expect you to forgive me immediately, I haven't forgiven myself." Alice said sighing. "I'm glad you didn't punch her back." Jessica said standing up and leaving. Alice sighed and lay back down on her bed. "I'm a massive failure." Alice muttered to herself.

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