16-the special celebration

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Jessica was woken up by her sister launching herself on to her bed. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA!" Krystal yelled. "Krystal it's too early..." Jessica whined. "Why aren't you happy? It's your birthday!" Krystal said shaking her. "Because Alice went back home yesterday due to some family thing." Jessica mumbled, tears in her eyes. "Aww, come on. I got you presents and food!" Krystal said running her back. Jessica hugged her, and they made their way out into the living room.

Jessica opened presents from her parents and Krystal. Afterwards, Jessica sighed and fell back into the couch. "I'm going for a walk." Jessica managed to say, leaving the house. She walked around, constantly rubbing her eyes. The fresh air did her good though, and she made her way back to her apartment. "Jessica, do you want cake?" Krystal smiled when Jessica walked in. "Sure, hope you got the good kind!" Jessica laughed lightly. They ate cake in silence. "Jess, you can't mope all day. It's your birthday! I'm sure she thinking of you, even with whatever is going on at home." Krystal smiled. "I just wish she could be here, it's not like her to miss things like this." Jessica sighed. "If she had the choice, she would have been here, no doubt about that." Krystal sighed. The girls remained silent for a while, sitting and moping together. A knock at the door broke the silence. Krystal went to get it. "Delivery for Jessica Jung?" A man said. He then wheeled in a massive box, wrapped in wrapping paper. The delivery man left, and the girls were left with a massive package in their living room. "Open it!" Krystal smiled. Before Jessica could, the box popped open, causing both girls to scream. When Jessica opened her eyes, Alice was standing in the box. "Alice?" Jessica smiled. "Happy birthday babe!" Alice smiled back. Jessica ran to her, but then smacked her shoulder. "You lied to me and made me sad, you dummy!" Jessica yelled. Alice laughed. "Do you want me to go away then?" Alice said crouching back into the box. Jessica pulled her up and kissed her cheek. "I would never miss your birthday Jess. I love you." Alice smiled hugging Jessica. "You two are cute. Nice idea Alice." Krystal laughed. "I love you too Alice, you always know the best presents." Jessica laughed. "I did get you something though." Alice said picking up something from inside the box. It was a small black box. Jessica opened it to find a small silver ring, with an infinity symbol in the middle. "Aww Alice this is so cute!" Jessica smiled. "Look! I have the same one!" Alice said showing Jessica her hand. "You got us couple rings! That's so adorable! Thank you baby." Jessica said kissing Alice and slipping her new ring on. "Happy birthday Jess." "This has been the best birthday ever."

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