Chapter: 16

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17||Let's play Sherlock Holmes!

"I'm sorry Yuki. I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." Taehyung kept rambling as endless tears streamed down his face, making me feel sad as well. "Please don't cry. It hurts to see you cry." I whispered softly as I wiped away his tears using my shaking hand, effortlessly speaking out those sincere words. He just nodded as another fresh batch of tears reappeared in his eyes once again, making my heart drop to the bottom of my gut. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Jin looked at Namjoon and Jungkook, silently telling them to leave us for a while. They just nodded as they stepped away from us, gratefully giving us a private moment.

I looked at Taehyung with worried eyes, as I cuddled into one of his arms, slightly surprising him. Not a great way of having my first cuddle with my bias, but this is enough for me. I thought as I tried to make cute noises, making him smile a little. However, his smile faltered when his eyes trailed down to my bruised ankle, making his worried figure return once more.

"Yuki! You're hurt! Let me see your-." "Taehyung. Look at me." I commanded him as he stopped fumbling in the water, looking at me with alert eyes. "I'm fine, really. I'm just a bit shocked." I said with a comforting voice as I struggled to give him a genuine smile (which was quite hard for the fact that I had sprained my ankle and it was seriously distracting my head because of the unbearable pain), making his face immediately turn guilty. "Yuki, I'm so sorry of what happened back there. I was just...jealous of you and Jungkook." He confessed as his face turned a light shade of red, making me "awww" at him and shoot him a it's-alright smile in the outside part of me. However, in the inner side of me, well....not so much....

Hell yeah bitches! He fucking got jealous! Oh my god! This is totally worth spraining my ankle! Fuck yes! He, oh god. He's so adorable!

Yep, that's what happened in the inner part of me, me completely losing my sanity. I mean, he got JEALOUS because of that little dare date of Jungkook! I mean, isn't that so cute and adorable? Just imagine your bias get jealous because you guys were hanging out!

I was talking to myself (mostly fangirling), when Taehyung started to examine my bruised ankle. I looked at Taehyung's side profile, which was slowly killing me. He was inspecting my ankle as he gingerly held it, making my stomach feel fuzzy and me melting away from his touch. God, someone please tell me how such an inhumanly handsome and hot guy came into this world! It's already a sin to be this handsome! I rambled in my head as I trailed my eyes over from his eyes to his mouth, to his sexy jawline, then to his sweaty neck that seemed to turn my fangirl instincts on.

"It's okay Taehyung. I'm sorry for ditching you and Jimin." I shyly apologized as he gave me a small smile, making me melt in his arms. Speaking of that date....where did the actual fuck did Peter go?! I screeched innerly as my eyes became wide with the reality hitting me. I hurriedly checked my pockets, but there was no sign of Peter. Shit shit shit. I think I lost him. I mentally sighed as I looked behind me, only to be greeted with pitch empty darkness just a few meters away from us. Oh god. This is crazy. I thought to myself as I unconsciously let out a groan, making Taehyung alert as he eyed at me worriedly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" "Don't sweat it Hyung. I'm fine." I reassured him for the millionth time as I looked at the rest of the members who were busy talking quietly to themselves. "Hey guys! We're done!" I shouted as they all turned to face me with grins on their faces. However, Jungkook wasn't in sight, which worried me for some apparent reason. "Where's Jungkook?" "Oh, he just went for a little swim to discover what got your feet." Jin replied casually as I jumped out from Taehyung's sturdy arms, sending him a look of gratitude. "Speaking, he should be here any minute now..." Jin muttered as he looked at his watch. Sure enough, a figure came out of the water, gasping for breath as he held something in his hand. "It was a looped leather belt. Looking at the condition, however, it seems as if it was newly bought." Jungkook said as he lifted out what seemed to be a leather belt, as he came out from the water, dripping wet and his white shirt sticking to him like glue, revealing his holy, glorious abs. And let's just say I had to hold my nose bleed and my heart that seemed to be leaping out from my own chest.

"Oh, playing Sherlock Holmes, are we?" "Hey! I'm the only person who could play Sherlock Holmes!" I cried out childishly as I wiggled towards Namjoon who seemed to give me a yeah-right look at me, looking at me as if I was some uninteresting specimen. "Yeah right. I bet 3 bucks that you couldn't even solve a simple crime." Namjoon muttered cheekily as he shoved his hands in his pockets, making me boiling mad (that you could quite literally see steam coming out from my red, glowing ears). "Jesus Christ! Have faith in me would you! Jungkook hyung, hand me over that belt." I furiously snatched the belt out from his hand and started examining it, looking for clues like my favorite character, Sherlock Holmes.

Don't fail me, brain! Even though I got like 78 out of 100 in math, and 85 out of 100 in literature...but just this once! I have 3 bucks to get if I get this correct! I mentally encouraged myself as I started checking the brand, and any hints or clues in anything. "So, any guesses?" Taehyung asked me curiously as he leaned closer to my figure, also trying to see if he could get anything right.

"Hmmm, the brand is from Victoria Secret, which means that it was most likely a girl who owned this. Also, like what Jungkook noted, it was bought a few a few minutes ago. The scent of the perfume can be still smelled and the scratch marks are new, probably the ones that I kicked or something." I said as I looked at the members, looking at them as if I was some kind of professional investigator. "Well, that's sort of obvious..." Namjoon cleared his throat as he tried to make up an excuse, trying to save his 3 bucks from fluttering away in a snap. "You're right. But I have more analogies." I replied with confidence as I looked at him straight in the eye. "I know who owned this." I said mysteriously, as the rest of the members immediately started to bombard me with questions.

"Is she your friend?"
"Is she an ARMY?"
"Or worse, a saeseng?"
"Is she here?"

"No, No, Yes and Yes. You guys know the girl from the CompoMan interview, the person who is a hardcore Hoseok hyung fan? Well, she owns this belt, and I think she's here right now." I gulped as I remembered the cold glare that she had given me, and the smirk that she used when she tried to....rape me. I shuddered as a chill ran through my back, making me suddenly feel very tired. "What's her name?" Jin dared to ask as they all anticipated for my answer. I just shook my head, and answered him in a slightly quivering voice.

"Her name is Oh Mina. The girl who threatened and blackmailed Hoseokie hyung." I said as I unconsciously gripped the belt harder, making it scratch my hand, but I didn't take notice, thinking about the possible reasons how she knew that we were here. Moreover, inside the sewer system.

"Well well well, you're pretty clever, aren't you, my dear." A soft cackle came infront of us as I raised my flashlight at the familiar voice, only to see my prediction to be correct. "Mina." I mumbled as I took a daring step at her, trying to intimidate her and let her know that the boys are under my protection. "So, you're that famous CompoMan. Such a disgrace that I thought at one point of dating you, when infact, you were a girl." She stopped as she scrunched up her nose, eyeing me from head to toe. "Moreover, when you look like that." "Oh shut up Mina. You're not far better than I am." I shot back as the boys howled and whistled, clearly supporting me. "No dear, infact, I'm far better than you." She sneered back as she rolled her eyes at me and moved infront, trying to get near the boys.

But oh no, I didn't let that happen. Instead, I purposely placed my feet on hers, making her stumble and trip into the sewer water, making her scream during the process. "Now you aren't far better than I." I snickered as I looked at the state that she was in- her makeup all messed up, her hair messy, one of her designer shoes floating, and she, all drenched with stinky water from head to toe.

"You little bitch-." "Excuse me, miss, but nobody calls our Yuki, a bitch." Taehyung stood in front of me protectingly as the rest followed, blocking her from me, making her screech with fury. "This is not the end Yuki! I'll tell this to my daddy-." "Oh so you're a daddy's girl. Such a shame, spending the money that your parents earned so hard on useless things." I cut her off smugly as she retreated, screaming endless curse words and stomping down into the darkness and we bid her a farewell.

"That was just hilarious!" We all cracked up as we slapped each other, laughing our ass off and recalling what had happened. However, my eyes caught something shiny, and I picked it up, only to find it to be the car key that we were looking for. To my dismay, there was a little note that was attached to the key, and I peeled it off, and read it.

Catch you later, princess ; )
Love your guardian angel, Peter

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