Chapter: 18

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19||Hidden Feelings

"Home! Finally!" A tired Jungkook mumbled as he fell straight on the floor, barely removing his shoes. "I can't agree with you more." I yawned as I flopped beside him, also falling straight on my face onto the cold floor. "Hm? It wasn't tiring for me." Jin dared to say as he effortlessly walked over our drained figures, making me and Jungkook give out an annoyed groan. "That's because you're the one who went shopping! And for 8 hours! 8 hours hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed with a frustrated sigh as he also joined me and Jungkook, lying down on his back while giving out a grunt. I just grunted with agreement, too tired to argue.

Well, I suppose I'll tell you what happened...

~Flashback (Powered by Pokémon Go)~

After a nice time in the cafe, everyone decided to just go back home since it had been a long, tiring day for all of us. But apparently (and not surprisingly), Jin had other ideas. He somehow sneakily took us to his favorite shop, promising us that we'll stay there for a short while. But it turned out that Jin's "short while" meant 8 freaking hours (we had to learn it the hard way, unfortunately). Jungkook was dragged out from the car by a determined looking Jin, and I thought it was very funny, until Jin started to drag me too.

"Oh hell no! You're not touching me!" I gave out a screech as I tried my best to loosen his grip on me, but failed as he flung me out of the car, along with a sleeping Taehyung. "Whaa-?" Taehyung mumbled as he tripped on his own feet and slammed into me, knocking me off balance and making both of us fall to the floor. Luckily (or maybe not), Jin managed to catch us both in time as he lifted us up by the collar, and plopped us back on our feet, giving out a victory smile. "Yuki-yah, carry me. Pwease?" Taehyung whined as he did aegyo, making my heart go thump. "I really wish I could carry you, but you're too heavy Taehyung." I said as I looked at his pouted face, making my heart feel a pang of pain. "But if you want, I could hug you till we go inside the store!" I suggested as I saw his gloomy face turn hopeful, nodding until Jin slightly pushed us forward. I wrapped my short arms around him, and snuggled closer to his chest, feeling his warmth. Taehyung also snuggled closer to me, rubbing his face on my neck as he gave out a contented sigh, making me smile like a Chester Cat.

"Now let's go before Jin kicks us to the moon." Taehyung nodded as we waddled towards the store, just listening to each others heart beat. However, I was immediately pulled by Jungkook who had a clean, white shirt on, along with new pants and shoes, and his wet clothes in a plastic bag. "Come on Yuki! Go and change! Hyung said he'll pay for this. You too hyung." Jungkook said as he hurriedly pushed us both to a rack full of clothes, making me and Taehyung dig our heels on the floor.

I just picked out a simple gray hoodie with ripped jeans, along with black converse as I headed towards the dressing room, only to be stopped by Jin.....and well.....everyone. "You are not wearing that. You'll be wearing these." Jin said with a hint of evil in his voice as he handed me a short black skirt with a white crop top, along with black boots that seemed to be too matured for me. I shook my head side to side, completely disagreeing to his command. "The hell no. I am certain that I'm not wearing that disgusting piece of clothing." I rambled as I pushed away the clothes, and headed towards the dressing room with the clothes that I picked, only to be pushed inside, along with the clothes that Jin had picked out. "Hey! You guys can't do this to me!" I screamed as I banged the door, not able to get out. "Well, change into those and we'll let you out." Jimin snickered along with Jungkook who was laughing like a manic. "I hate you guys..." I mumbled as I gave in, as I changed into those clothes that Jin had given me. "Now let me out." I said with a wavering voice as I came out of the changing room, only to be surrounded by 7 gawking boys.

"I look terrible, don't I?" I asked nervously as I turned to change, only to be stopped by Jin who gleefully said "no" as he started to coo on how cute I seemed. I just blushed as I looked at the ground, not able to look at any of the members. "You should stay like that Yuki." "Yeah! You look really cute!" "It seems you've got the jams, kid." "I can't agree more but you seem to have the swag with you." "You look adorable!" "See! It's a nice outfit!" The members commented as they complimented me, but only Taehyung stayed silent. "Taehyung, what do you think?" "Change it." Taehyung said as he coldly replied, making my blood run cold. "I-I look hideous, don't I..." I managed to say as I turned and went inside the changing room, and started to change. Few tears fell from my eyes as I hurriedly wiped it, trying my best to have the happy and cool aura with me. It's okay...maybe I do look ugly. I thought to myself as I was about to open the door, only to stop to hear voices. More precisely, voices of the members.

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