{Annabeth x Mortal!Reader} Video Chats

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Prompt: Annabeth is away at chb. The two of you have weekly video chats before you go to bed. (A/N: i just realized this is lowkey a pt 2 to "time of departure" woh)

Warnings: female reader, comment/pm me for a version with your preferred pronouns!

Word Count: 921ish

You sat impatiently as you stared at your reflection on the computer screen. Annabeth didn't forget, right? Biting your bottom lip, you waited anxiously as the consistent ringing continued.

A wave of relief swept over you as you saw the word "connecting..." pop up, and you smiled brightly to see your girlfriend on your computer screen.

"Annie!" You cheered, waving.

"Y/N!" She cheered back, and you giggled.

"How's my wonderful girlfriend doing this fine evening?" You asked.

You watched in amusement as she scrunched her eyebrows, trying thinking about what happened during her week. She wore the usual, her bright orange camp shirt underneath your maroon hoodie as well as your fuzzy pajama pants. You had recently discovered that she, in fact, stole many of your clothes before leaving for camp.

"Well," she started. "there was a reunion of all the kids of the prophecy, so Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank are staying here for a few days which is nice. OH! Nico and Will finally announced their relationship, they're super cute together. I finished reading a few books, and started a few new ones as well."

You smiled and listened to Annabeth. "So I'm guessing all your friends are doing well then? Do they know about me yet?"

A grin grew on Annabeth's face. "Yeah, I told them the day before yesterday at the reunion. Percy was mad I didn't tell him sooner, but besides that they're all excited and want to meet you soon."

"Too bad they don't know how much of a nerd I am." You replied, and she chuckled.

You pushed some of your hair behind your ear and laughed, watching Annabeth's cheeks tint pink.

"What're you blushing for?" You wondered out loud, and Annabeth's cheeks got even redder.

"You're going to call me a geek if i tell you." She averted eye contact with you.

You rolled your eyes. "Just tell me, I am your girlfriend after all."

"I just really love you, a lot." She mumbled.

You giggled at her. "Aww, I love you too babe. You are a huge geek though."

"Shut up!!" She pouted at you.

You heard a different voice come out of nowhere. "Hey Annabeth, who're you talking to?"

She looked away from the screen. "Oh hey Percy, I'm talking to Y/N."

"THE FAMOUS Y/N??" The guy you guessed to be Percy yelled, and all of a sudden it wasn't the face of Annabeth you saw anymore, but the face you recognized from photos to be Percy.

"Hi Y/N!! I'm Annabeth's dearest friend, Percy Jackson-"

"Percy! Give me my girlfriend back!" You could see your girlfriend attempting to take her computer back from Percy, but he only held it higher.

You laughed, holding your hand up to cover your mouth as you watched the two bicker.

"I just want to meet your giiiiiiiiirlfriend," Percy teased Annabeth, and she glared at him.

She raised her foot and stomped on Percy's foot, catching her laptop as he jumped to hold his now bruised foot.

"Annabeth!! That hurt!" He held onto his foot with a pained face.

"You'll live." She scolded him, and turned back to you, smiling. "How's your week been, Y/N?"

"Significantly better now," You laughed. "But other than that it's been pretty neutral. "Visited my parents on Tuesday, planned on coming out to them but I couldn't do it. Gonna try again next week."

Annabeth gave you a sympathetic smile. "Only do it when you're comfortable Y/N, don't come out unless you want to. If you want I can try to leave camp to come with you if you want?"

You shrugged, contemplating her offer. "Maybe. I think I can do it by myself, I'm just nervous."


Annabeth huffed. "How many people is he blabbering to?"

From the photos you've seen, you guessed that the person you saw on the screen was Piper.

"Hi Y/N!! Annabeth's told us so much about you!!" Piper gleamed, and part of you felt enticed almost by her words.

There was no doubt about it-Piper was gorgeous, but she couldn't compare to the beauty of your magnificent girlfriend.

You waved at the friendly face on the screen. "Hello! I'm guessing you're Piper?"


Annabeth rolled her eyes, and you could see the gears turning in her mind on how she was going to get revenge on her green-eyed friend.

You saw a curly haired boy appear next to Piper, whom you recognized as Leo.

"You're Leo?" You inquired, and he nodded pridefully.

"The one and only." Leo smiled mischievously.

"Alright, alright," Annabeth complained. "Can I have some time alone with my girlfriend? You guys can meet her another day."

Leo frowned before leaving. "Party pooper. Adios Y/N!"

"Bye Leo!"

Piper gave you another smile. "Bye Y/N!!"

"Bye Piper!"

Your computer blinked a notification at the bottom screen, indicating the battery would die soon. You exited out of it, returning your attention to your literal half-goddess girlfriend.

You studied her perfectly-structured face, trying to memorize every inch of it. "When are you coming home? I miss having you around."

"Soon." She promised.

"But I want to cuddle," You whined. "and I want to hug you, and kiss you."

"I know, babe, I know." She looked at you longingly. "Only a little time left before I'm back, yeah?"

"Yeah, I guess." You muttered.

"I love yooooooou," She reminded you, giving you a wide smile.

You smiled back at the sight of your girlfriend. "I love you too, babe."

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