{Jason x Blind!Reader} Love at First Sight

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Prompt: Reader is blind.

Warnings: i'm not that knowledgable on being blind, so i'm sorry if i mess something up. please don't be offended, just correct me. /// also will solace is a doctor/surgeon so yeah.

Word Count: 933ish

Being blind wasn't awesome. You'd admit to that any day, being as you didn't know what a color looked like. You did associate the word with things, like you've been told that water is blue, fire is red, snow is white, and much more.

From what you've heard, Jason's eyes were blue. His hair was yellow (which you thought of as the sun). His usual shirts were purple (you thought grapes, which was odd thinking of him wearing grapes) or orange (you thought of the fruit).

You never knew what your boyfriend looked like, but a perk of being blind is that you did know what he felt like. He'd let you feel his face, (as you do with anyone that you have a close relation to) and you were always amused by the extremely small bump you felt when feeling his lips. He told you it was a scar, and that he had eaten a stapler when he was a toddler. That made you laugh. But you enjoyed being blind for just that reason.

"Y/N?" You heard Jason call, and you raised your head up to where you believed his voice came from.

You yelled from your seat. "In here!!"

Thump, thump, thump. He entered the room, sighing with relief. He leaned on your shoulder, and you felt for his face, recognizing his strong jaw line, and his smooth skin.

"What's up?" You asked, smiling as you felt his hair.

"I have good news," He said. "Really good news."

You raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Will Solace -the best doctor camp has- he has an eye donor. He has eyes for you." Jason breathed out, and you felt him smile.

You were frozen in shock. "What? Jason, tell me what you just said."

He chuckled. "Will has eyes for you."

"Oh my god," You whispered under your breath. "oh my god!!"

You abruptly got up from your seat, clutching onto Jason like your life depended on it. He picked you up, both of you laughing as he spun. You felt tears run down your cheeks, and you held Jason's head with both your hands, kissing him.

You both grinned widely into the kiss, letting happiness take over. You might be able to see.


The surgery was a little rough, yes, but it didn't stop the excitement pulsing through you. There were bandage taped over your eyes, not that you could see them, but you could feel the tightness of the bandage sticking to your skin.

"Alright, Y/N," You heard Will say. "I'm going to start taking the bandages off but I don't want you to open your eyes yet, okay?"

"Okay." You said, squeezing Jason's hands for comfort.

Jason squeezed your hand back. "You're doing absolutely amazing, Y/N. Just perfect."

You felt the bandages peel off and you flinched a little, it irritating your skin. Before you knew it you felt no tension on your skin, and you spoke out loud.

"Can I open them?" You asked, and Will pushed your chair so you were sitting straight up.

Will patted your shoulder. "Go for it."

You turned your head towards Jason, smiling."I want you to be the first thing I see."

"Whatever you want, princess." He spoke.

Carefully, you opened your eye lids. You gasped, letting go of Jason's hand to cover your mouth. You could see him. You saw the way his blue-water eyes glistened at you hopefully. The way his light sun yellow hair tilted to the left. Tears streamed down your face and you kissed him, hugging him as hard as you could.

"I can see you!!" You sobbed out, admiring your own fingers as they traced shapes on Jason's back.

"Oh gods Y/N!!" Jason exclaimed, bringing you to face him.

Your eyes darted from spot to spot, wanting to burn in every bit of Jason that you could into your brain.

"I can see your lip scar," You whimpered, rubbing your finger over it. "I can see all of you."

After Will had run some tests on your vision and went over how to take care of your new eyes, he let you and Jason leave.

"Y/N, you have to see everyone, oh my gods." Jason said excitedly, and you nodded, too busy looking at the sky.

He dragged you along while you laughed, waving to random campers as you looked at just about everything. Eventually the two of you were at the Zeus cabin, where he had told everyone to meet up.

"Are you ready?" He asked, smiling bigger than he ever has before.

"So ready." You spoke back, walking inside with him.

All around you was what you assumed was decorations and yours and Jason's friends sitting all around.

"Oh my god." You squeaked, looking at the diverse group in front of you.

"Y/N!!" A boy yelled, running towards you.

You immediately recognized his voice as Percy's, and you yelled out. "PERCY!!"

He ran into a hug with you, picking you up and shaking you. "OH MY GODS YOU CAN SEE!!"

You cheerily yelled back. "I CAN SEE!!"

Through out the whole party, you had your separate time with all your friends, making sure you got to see every last bit of them before they left. You couldn't believe how much you loved to see things.

Once the party was over and everyone left, you sat down on a bed with Jason, playing with his hands as you looked at them.

"Am I as hot as you hoped?" He smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

You laughed. "Even hotter."

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