two •do i like him?•

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warning: the topic of abuse, bullying, and alcohol abuse is in this story
christofer in this pic 😍

well school was fun.


i cannot believe avery goes to my school. she just has another place to nag on me.

that's just what i need..

i opened to door to my house to a screaming toronado between my mother and father.

i quickly exited the house and ran as far away as i could.

i then bumped into someone familiar, it was avery.

"hey, stupid! why did you HAVE to bring your hideous face into MY school and steal christofer!?" she quizzed me while yelling.

"i didn't have a choice. and how can i steal someone that was never yours?" i shot back at her and realized we made a scene.

people started saying "oooo burn" after i had said that and i couldn't help but chuckle.

"well, just watch out, carrie" she said, using my last name.

"what could you possibly do when you're too worried about what you look like when christofer is around?" i asked and she rolled her eyes, furiously.

that's when she through the first punch. it was a good one. (panic fans). then i heard the familiar voice of christofer himself.

"Avery.. WHAT THE HECK?" he screamed at her.

"so this is christofer?" some random guy peeped.

"uh, yeah" he said in a familiar raspy voice i heard this morning.

i slowly got up and christofer quickly turned and asked if i was okay.


"yeah, im okay," i lied, playing with my fingernails.

he then pulled me into a tight hug and people awed at the sight.

i flushed a deep red. do i like him?

we then walked away leaving avery and the crowd behind.

i can't like him.

ive known him for less than twenty-four hours.

love at first sight? cliché.

we started walking toward my house and i slipped a post-it note inside his bag with my number. again. cliché.

i opened the door and i could tell he heard the yelling.

"ROBIN, WHO IS THIS?" my dad yelled at me and pointed to christofer.

"ANSWER ME" he sternly said and slapped my face.

christofer quickly walked over and grabbed my wrist. he pulled me away.

"you cannot stay there." he told me in a serious voice.

"you can stay with me. when your parents aren't home we'll get you some clothes, okay?" he said and started walking.

"that's okay. i am used to it." i responded and he look at me with a sympathetic smile.

"you shouldn't be used to that. let's go" he said and grabbed my hand.

"okay, fine. for one night" i responded and a satisfied smile swept across his face.

cheatercheaterbestfriendeater +christofer drew fic+ (#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now