seven •its getting bad•

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hello frens. thank you for reading :D
ily - princessgrxssi

+Monday morning+

christofer and i walked into school, hand in hand, like usual.

that's when i noticed people staring at me, what's this all about.

"robin is the one that smashed the bottle over his head," one girl whispered.

"poor christofer, she has major anger issues," a boy whispered.

then i lost it.

i walked to the restroom with a single word.

christofer followed, ignoring the signs.

"are you okay?" he asked and i shook my head.

"they think im abusive with you," i spoke and he frowned.

"im sorry, darling," he said and started to add on "I'll take care of this, okay?" he asked and i nodded.

we exited the bathroom and christofer grabbed my hand and he stared to speed walk.

there she is, avery.

"what the hell did you do?" christofer asked in an angry voice.

I've never seen him so angry.

"what do you mean?" she questioned and christofer laughed.

"come on we all know you spread a nasty rumor about robin," he stated clearly and she rolled her eyes.

"not a rumor, the truth" she smiled and i clenched my jaw.

"I think I would know, if she was abusive i wouldn't be with her," he spoke still angry, as i fiddled with my hands.

"lets go," he scoffed and grabbed my hand.

we walked away and avery walked away with her group.

everyone was still staring and christofer was furious.

"stop staring will you?" he asked and everyone turned their heads.

this is getting bad.

i walked to the locker hall that no one uses because im going to ditch first period.

i brought my phone from my back pocket and played "We Don't Have To Dance" by Andy Black.

"Record scratch; Steve Miller band
Tattooed necks and tattooed hands
Oh, how don't you drown in a rain storm?" a deep voice that calmed me came through my phone.

this is Chris's and i's song.

i smiled at the memory in my head and began to sing along to the chorus.

"We don't have to talk
We don't have to dance
We don't have to smile
We don't have to make friends
It's so nice to meet you
Let's never meet again
We don't have to talk
We don't have to dance
We don't have to dance" i sang along with the voice blasting from my speaker.

i heard footsteps that progressively got louder and louder.

it was avery.

i was so happy until she came.

"someone happy?" she asked and i just ignored her.

"i was," i said and remembered my spare blade in my bag.

"haha," she spoke and walked away.

i brought out my blade and brought it to my wrist.




three cuts on my right wrist, is what i just did.




three on my left.

i was silently crying as blood trickled down my wrist and i heard footsteps again.

it was avery, for the second time.

"aww, is the emo sad?" she asked and i watched the blood slide down my damaged wrist.

"this will be great to tell everyone at the school," she smiled and walked away.


i put my blade back in my bag and walked to the restroom.

"robin, what the hell?!" chris said from behind me.

he saw my wrists.

"im sorry," i turned around to face him with a puffy red face and he brought me into a hug.

im so so so sorry.

i let go and walked into the bathroom, i don't want to face anyone else.


by the end of first period everyone already knew i had cut myself earlier.

"robin cut herself?!" i heard a guy yell and my head swung around and my eyes met his.

"no," i bluntly said and avery grabbed my wrist.

she pulled up my sleeve and showed him.

"yes she did," she spoke and released my wrist and hurried to the lunch room.

i found chris at the usual table and he brought me into a hug.

"im sorry, darling," he said and i clung onto him and cried.

"hey, don't cry," he said and i clung to him even more.

he picked me up and brought me outside of the lunchroom.

"hey, it's going to be okay, alright?" he told me and i nodded.

"okay," i sniffles and we walked back into the lunchroom.

I hate avery.

with all my soul.

all my heart.

my entire existence hates her.

im going to get back at her.

but how?

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