eight •he what?•

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hello frens. :D

we're going to start getting more into the story ;)

ily - princessgrxssi 💞


"this is hell, this is hell
you're looking and a' whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell," i shouted as the music blasted from Chris's stereo.

he laughed as i shouted to the music.

"it's our song," i reminded him and he nodded.

"how could i forget?" he asked and i laughed still shouting to the music.

we pulled into the school parking lot and we exited the car.

we got into school and we were greeted by a very hyper Tyler.

"hello!" he spoke and i laughed.

"hi, tyler," i said and he smiled.

we walked away and chris seemed uneasy about the situation.

i walked into first period and all eyes switched to me.

im not late.

"she cut herself yesterday," one spoke.

"she's bipolar," another pointed out as i stood in the door way.

i smiled and flashed the middle finger when the teacher wasn't looking.

a few gasped and looked offended and i just laughed to myself.

i was walking to the lunchroom when tyler pinned me to the locker and kissed me.

what the hell?

i tried pushing him off of me but he kept throwing himself at me.

i finally pried him off of me and ran to find chris.

i found him and he looked pissed.

"hey," i said and he walked away.

"that wasn't my fault! he pinned me!" i yelled and he ignored me.

"im sorry," i said and looked down.

"yeah, me too," he spoke and i felt hot tears trickle down my face.

"im sorry" i whispered and crouched on the floor, holding onto my legs.

"im sorry," i whispered again but he still wasn't there.

"im sorry," i yelled this time and sobbed.

i hate Tyler.

i hate him so much.

this is his fault.

i brought out my silver, shiny blade and made an incision against my wrist.

i turned on chris's and I's song and cried even more.

cheatercheaterbestfriendeater +christofer drew fic+ (#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now