four •it's my turn•

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heyoooo, so i think I'm going to try and update everyday? Sí o no?
luv you ~ xoxo princessgrxssi (bella).


i reached for the doorknob and creaked open the door to find avery.

it's my turn.

i started walking out the door when christofer ran to catch up to me.

"where are you going?" he quizzed.

"just going on a walk," i said and clenched my jaw.

"i don't think that's what it is," he said and turned me around.

"fine, im going to find avery," i blurred out and started to run.

he started to run after me and shortly caught up.

"hey, be careful, if you need anything, im right here, okay?" he told me and i nodded.



i started to run as fast as i could until i met face to face with no other than, avery.

my favorite person.


you thought.

thats when i punched her right in the nose.

"that's for punching me twice," i said.

then i slapped her right across the face.

"and that's for kissing my boyfriend," i added on and smiled.

"oh my god, you rat! you're dead," she said and i laughed.

"really?" i asked and then christofer broke it up.

"i think that's enough, darling" he said to me and i nodded.

"mhm, for now," i said and i smirked at avery while she held her bruised nose.

christofer swung his arm around me and grabbed my hand.

we proceeded to walk away, then avery ran up to us.

"put one hand on her, i dare you," he said and she smirked.

avery then slapped me.

you could practically see the steam coming out of christofer.

christofer then grabbed ahold of her wrist and yelled in her face.

"baby, why?" she asked.

"don't call me that, and because you hurt robin multiple times," he explained and walked away.


we're back at christofer's house and we are sitting on the couch with his arm around my shoulder and my body sunk into his side while i slept.

"aww, you're so cute," Nancy said and christofer chuckled.

i fluttered my eyes open and re-adjusted myself to have my head in his lap.

Nancy walked away and christofer combed my hair with his fingers lightly.

i opened my eyes again and sat up to face christofer.

"hi, baby," he said and kissed my forehead.

"sorry for falling asleep," i spoke and he smiled.

"don't be sorry, you're adorable when you sleep," he said and i blushed.

"aww," he said and i blushed a deeper shade and hid my face in my jacket.

"don't hide your pretty face," he said and i blushed even more.

"stopppppp," i said and he laughed.

i put my head back down on his lap and he smiled.

"you know i love you, right?" he asked.

"i love you too," i smiled.

that was our first time saying we love each other.

i couldn't get the stupid smile off my face.

man, i love this boy.

+the next morning+

i woke up in the same position i was yesterday evening, my head in christofer's lap and his hand running through my hair.

i sat up and kissed christofer's cheek to wake him up.

"hey, wake up," i softly spoke and he shot his eyes open.

"hi," he smiled.

i got up and changed into one of his sweatshirts and some jeans.

"is that my sweatshirt?" he asked me.

i nodded and he chuckled.

that's when another girl walked through the door.

"who's that?" i asked and i looked back at the girl.

"oh, that's my sister.." he said and rolled his eyes.

"hi to you too, dork," she said and he laughed.

"im just kidding," he spoke and gave her a hug.

"who's this?" she asked and pointed to me.

"my girlfriend, robin," he spoke and she smiled.

"im daniella," she spoke and i smiled.

"hi," i said awkwardly.

"well, robin, i think we should go to school now, yes?" He asked and i nodded.

im way to awkward for this. (same)

we walked our way down the drive way hand and hand and he opened the door for me once we reached the car.

he got into his side and drove.

"sorry she came so sudden, i didn't know she was coming home," he spoke and i stayed silent.

"hey, are you okay," he asked and i nodded.

that's a lie.

i always lie.

like Doctor House said, "Everybody Lies."

Sorry that it's short <3

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