six •are we okay?•

42 5 2

sorry about yesterday!

im doubling today <3

~ princessgrxssi 🌌


"im sorry," he confessed.

me too.

"so am i, i completely over reacted," i responded and he kissed me again, passionately.

"GET SOME CHRISTOFER," i heard Tyler yell which made us smile through the kiss.

we grabbed hand in hand and began to walk down the road and christofer stopped.

"were you really that mad at me to where you had to sing about me?" he laughed and i nodded.

"i wanted you to stay safe and you brushed me off like a rat," i did and looked down and my shoes.

"im sorry, baby," he said and i looked up at him.

i smiled and we continued to walk and he walked into the street and sat down.

what's he doing?

"come here," he said and i hesitated but walked toward him, in the middle of the street.

he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"hey, I've got a present for you," he said and i felt confused.

what day is it?


a normal day.

he handed me a small bag with white tissue paper coming from the small bag.

i then then i pulled out a small velvet box.

im 16.

he's 17.

there's no way.

"it's a promise ring, don't freak," he said and i laughed.

"robin taylor carrie, do you promise you'll never love anyone else but me?" i asked and he nodded.

"good, because i will only love you, forever and always," he said and i felt the tears escaping my eyes.

"don't cry," he chuckled and I smiled through my tears.

he slipped the ring on my right ring finger and smiled. (a/n the ring is the one attached at the top).

+lunch the next day+

i was exhausted.

i reached the lunch table with christofer and his friend and immediately placed my head on his shoulder.

i missed this.

"tired?" he laughed and i nodded.

i looked down at my ring and smiled.

"do you like it?" he whispered in my ear and I nodded.

he continued to eat and when he finished he pulled me into his lap.

"aww," brendon, tyler, and josh coursed and i blushed a light pink.


the bell.

i got up from christofer's lap and swung my black jansport backpack around.

cheatercheaterbestfriendeater +christofer drew fic+ (#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now