sixteen • so its been six months? •

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hello frens!

no one is probably reading this r.i.p me. I'm probably going to find the fiction a couple years ahead and cringe.

that's okay.

hello darkness my old friend.

okay I'll stop

Update from what I said earlier, I downloaded the app on my iPad so I can update!

ily- princessgrxssi

+six months later+

I've been showing for a while now.

today i find out the gender of my baby.

christofer was driving us to the hospital, it's early in the morning and i have school today.

we arrive and check in at the hospital.

since im still considered a child, i have to be in the pediatricians room.

kids were staring, frightened and holding on to their parents.

all the parents were shaking their heads at christofer and he rolled his eyes.

"Robin Carrie?" the nurse called from the door.

christofer helped me up and we walked over the nurse who had a disgusted look on her face.

i shrugged and she brought me into the room for the ultra sound.

a cold gel met my skin on my stomach and the lady moved the wand.

"would you two like to know the gender?" the nurse asked and i nodded.

"it's... a.... BOY!" the nurse exclaimed and i smiled.

"thank you,"

i was in class clicking my pen and whispering lyrics.

"so take me to river
and run im diving in," i whispered to myself.

this song always made me cry, it's so beautiful.

some kid heard me and she turned her head around.

"oh, sorry," i shrugged and she shook her head.

"don't be, your voice is beautiful," she corrected and i blushed.

"thank you," i responded and she faced the front when the teacher called her name.

"elise? what's the problem?" she teacher asked and i crossed my fingers, hoping she wouldn't mention my singing.

"oh, robin has a amazing signing voice and i over heard her," she admitted and I sighed in fear.

"really? well, save that for lunch" she switched the friend switch off and started to teach again.


i was talking to elise when i was very surprised to see christofer waiting for me outside my classroom.

"hey, darling," chris said and kissed me softly.

"hi, this is my friend elise," i smiled at him and he nodded. he grabbed my hand and we started walking with elise.

"hey, robin, wanna eat with my friends and i?" she asked and i hesitated but nodded.

"okay, chris, I'll see you after school, i love you," i smiled and he kissed me.

"i love you, too," he let go of my hand and Elise was practically squealing.

"you guys are so cute together!" she exclaimed and I laughed at her reaction.

we walked over to Elise's group of friends, it was a small group of about five people.

"this is my friend robin! and robin this is Madison, Alina, Nila, Amanda, and Lauren!" she exclaimed and they smiled at me.

"also," she pointed to Chris and almost screeched, "thats her boyfriend," she clapped her hands together and they gasped.

"what is it? you can tell me if you don't like him," i shrugged and they started to laugh.

"Lauren has the biggest crush on him!" Alina yelled and I smiled.

i was pretty bothered by it but i didn't want to say anything to ruin their fun.

I began to eat my very small portion of salad and ignored everyone for the rest of the day.

cheatercheaterbestfriendeater +christofer drew fic+ (#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now