seventeen •easter sunday•

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tomorrow is Easter, usually I would go to church with family when i was little.

now I'm a disgrace.




I'm 8 month pregnant now and I'm scared for what's going to happen, i wonder as I'm sitting on christofers couch with his arm wrapped around me.

"chris?" i looked up and him and he smiled.
"What's wrong?" he tilted his head and i sighed.

"im scared"

"I know, so am i," he faced forward and sighed realizing he's a father.

he got up from the couch and ran to his room, which was a surprising site.

after about ten minutes he came back from his room, and i was curious as to what he was doing.

i lied my head in his lap and he smiled down at me and began to play with my hair.

i began to slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

i felt him lift up my head and answer the door which had just been knocked on.

it was josh.

christofer walked josh into the house and they sat in front of the couch on the floor.

christofer lied a blanket over me and smiled.

he sat back down with josh for another hour.

i fluttered my eyes open and saw the two still chatting and i grinned.

i stood up from the couch and hugged christofer from the side.

he looked over and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"hey robby," josh smiled with the nickname he uses for me, it's cute, really.

i smiled back and yawned as i stood up and walked off into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

water you say, as my water breaks.


i screech and christofer runs to my side.

"JOSH WHAT DO I DO?!" he yelled and josh came running in.

"get her to the hospital" he stated and christofer helped me to the car.

+at the hospital+

i have been in the hospital for six hours and my baby is in the nursery.

we named him Anthony Christofer Ingle Carrie.

christofer is sleeping on the chair, currently and i can go home within a few hours.

christofer opened his eyes and walked to my bedside and he smiled, kissed my forehead as the nurse walked in.

"you're free to go a bit early, your baby has to stay for a week due to early birth," she stated.

+back at the house+

once I got back i immediately fell asleep on the couch, it was only 8:30.

i felt christofer lift up my head and place it in his lap as I scooted closer into his embrace.

he laughed and josh came in and sat on the floor where he was hours ago.

my soft, quotes snores made the boys laugh at my deep sleep. I could stay here for hours.

when i woke up it was twelve am and everyone else was already up.

i quietly yawned and walked into the kitchen "good morning," I said when i saw josh and hugged him tightly.

i then saw christofer walked out of his room yawning.

"how are YOU the one that's tired?" i laughed and he shrugged as he pulled me into a hug and kiss good morning.

my phone started to ring and I answered "you have twenty four hours to choose" i heard through the phone.

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