five •im so sorry•

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im sorry in advance.







xx - princessgrxssi


i was walking in the halls by myself and i saw christofer waiting at my locker.

"hey," he said in a low voice and kissed me.

"hi," i smiled and placed my books inside my locker.

"wanna do something today?" he asked with a smile and i nodded.

"sure," i said and he laced our fingers.

we started walking down the hall to the lunch room.

what'd he have planned?

we started walking to the lunch tables and everyone was looking at us weird.

tyler, josh, brendon. (a/n I'm not sorry).

then christofer brought out his guitar and started to sing.

"Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know,"

he started to sing and i covered my mouth in surprise.

"That everything you do,
Is super fucking cute
And I can't stand it,"

i giggled at the last lyric and i felt tears pricking at my eyes.

he did all of this just for me.

"I've been searching for
A girl that's just like you
Cause I know
That your heart is true,"

i love him so much.

for the past week he's been acting weird and now I know why.

after he finished the song i was already crying through the whole time.

he brought himself down from sitting on the table and brought me into a huge hug.

people were cheering and clapping all around us.

he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the lunch room together.

"i love you," i said and he kissed my cheek.

+one week later+

"hey, wanna go to the party tonight?" he asked.

i highly hesitated but nodded in agreement.

"sure, when does it start," i quizzed and he checked his phone.

"eight," he responded and i nodded.

it was seven.

"i have to get ready," i said and he nodded without a second look.

i ran up the stairs of the house and started a warm shower.

when i got out i dried my hair and picked at my fringe.

i was wearing cat tights, high waisted shorts and a shirt.

my favorite outfit.

i threw on my blue vans and ran down the stairs.

it's 8.

"wow," he said and i smiled.

"let's get going, yeah?" he asked so i nodded.

+at the party+

"hey you've already had a drink, maybe one more?" I asked and he wrinkled his nose.

"okay, mom," he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"are you serious?" i questioned and he laughed.

"maybe if you weren't trying to boss me around," he spoke and my temper was out of control.

i grabbed the beer from his hands, poured it over his head and smashed the bottle to his head.

"bye," i spoke and he stood there in shock.

everyone was staring.

i already miss him.

i can't.

I'll do something to keep my mind off of it?

maybe the talent show?

that's in a few days, perfect.

+the talent show+

christofer is in the crowd.

i saw him.

we're still fighting, it's been three days.

i have no one else, so i sit by myself.

that's not my worries.

okay, it's my turn to go on stage.

i began to sing,
"It's a little blurry how the whole thing started
I don't even really know what you intended
Thought that you were cute and you could make me jealous
Poured it down, so I poured it down
Next thing that I know I'm in a hotel with you
You were talking deep like it was mad love to you,"

it was about christofer, in my case.

"You wanted my heart but I just liked your tattoos
Poured it down, so I poured it down,"

im not sorry for this.

maybe he should have been more mature.

"And now I don't understand it
You don't mess with love, you mess with the truth
And I know I shouldn't say it
But my heart don't understand"

i spotted christofer, he was smirking.

he knew it was about him, i know it because of the stupid grin on his face.

"Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
But my heart don't understand
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind"

he's been constantly on my mind ever since we had that fight.

i could tell he was sober.

it wasn't a drunken fight.

"I always hear, always hear them talking
Talking 'bout a girl, 'bout a girl with my name
Saying that I hurt you but I still don't get it
You didn't love me, no, not really
I could have really liked you
I'll bet, I'll bet that's why I keep on thinking 'bout you
It's a shame, you said I was good
So I poured it down, so I poured it down"

i truly don't understand it.

why is he on my mind, were in an argument.

"thank you," i spoke and everyone cheered loudly.

i saw christofer get up and walk to the back of the stage.

oh no.

"hey," he said and snaked his arms around my waist.

"what?" i asked and he laughed.

"sorryyy," he said and chuckled.

"i miss you, and im sorry," he said, "i know that was about me," he added and i frowned.

when i turned around he planted his lips onto mine and i kissed back.

no matter what i will always love this boy, so much.


hope you liked it <3

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