fifteen • take your hand in mine •

21 4 3


so, pretty intense, aye?

okay *finger guns*

bai bai

ily - princessgrxssi

i was at christofer's house last night and i ended up falling asleep on his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

i got a unsettling feeling in my stomach and untangled myself from christofer.

i ran to the bathroom and practically released my insides.

a few seconds later christofer was behind me, holding my hair back and running his hand on my back.

i flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth to remove the nasty taste.

i walked back into the room and christofer hugged me tightly.

"im telling my mom today, you know?" he told my and my eyes widened in fear as i held onto him.

"yeah? I'll tell her with you," i wanted to help out because it's my fault, also.

nancy opened the door to christofer and i still holding each other.

"get ready for school, okay?" she told us and we both nodded.

i dressed in one of christofer's hoodies and some jeans.

the hoodie reached my mid thigh which made me look shorter than i already am.

i laughed to myself and walked to the bathroom to fix my hair.

after i brushed my teeth and hair i walked out to the living room where christofer had already got his mom to sit down.

"what'd you two do?" she asked and i bit chewed on my lip in fear.

"there's no easy way to say this so.., i got robin pregnant," he admitted and nancys eyes widened in shock.

"im sorry, mom," he stood up from the couch and we left her there in shock.

"f-f-f- face of puzzle pieces!" i shouted the words that screamed from the stereo.

christofer smiled at my excitement and i grabbed his free hand.

we pulled into the school parking lot and of course I got the same remarks.




i didn't really care because i knew the truth, it wasn't intended.

some people have the hilarious theory that it's Tyler's baby.

i would never.

that's actually quite disturbing.

we walked through the hallways hand in hand when avery came up to us.

"hey have you checked instagram lately?" she asked and i whipped my phone.

i was tagged in a new post.

it was a picture of me.

i was changing.

"that is too far, avery. not funny. get those cameras out of her room," christofer yelled and her and my eyes were wide in fear.

soon everyone had the pictures and i just hid under Chris's arm the whole day.

i didn't want to face anyone.

everyone has seen them.

i didn't intentionally want those to be spread, yet people think i did, there's not much to do about it.

at lunch we were sat with brendon and josh on our left.

"are you okay, darling?" christofer whispered to me in a soothing voice that calmed me down.

"no," i truthfully responded and broke down.

i hid my face in his chest and cried, and cried.

it reminded me of the first day of school.

i clung onto his arms as he held me close to his chest.

brendon and josh had worries looks while the other boys were confused.

brendon and josh were the only ones who really talked to me anyways.

i dried my eyes and ate without another word.

this is going to be a rough nine months.



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