twelve • thats not how it works •

25 5 2



ILY - princessgrxssi


andy pulled into my school parking lot so we could get out.

he walked me to the front, hugged me and left.

i walked to my locker and saw no other but christofer standing there.

"excuse you," i said as i pushed him off my locker.

"im sorry," christofer confessed and i put my books inside my locker.

"you shouldn't have to say sorry to me ever, especially in this situation. It should've never happened," i turned around and walked to my first period without another word.

that's not how it works.


at lunch time i go to my own table and talk to andy on the phone.

he's been with me through this whole thing and i couldn't thank him enough.

i noticed that christofer was bringing out his ukulele and he stood on the table.

"this one is for robin, even though she hates me," he smiled and started to strum.

"I'm a real big fan of yours,
But I'm quite the joke to you
But girl, it wasn't a joke when you kissed me on your room and replied
"I love you too"

"andy, he's playing me a song," i quietly spoke into my headphones.

"oh shit," he said with a gasp.

"I'm a little bit insecure from all this mistreatment.
But see I'm working it out,
But working it out is so damn hard
When you're alone,"

when he finished the song i left the room.

i heard christofer walk up behind me and i turned around.

"what?" i asked and i felt tears pricking at my eyes.

im not going to cry.

"andy, I'll call you back, okay? Love you," and with that i ended the call.

"you're dating andy?" he questioned me.

"no, just because i said i love him doesn't mean we're dating," i sarcastically responded.

and then he kissed me.

i found myself kissing back as much as i wanted to refuse.

"that meant nothing," i reminded him and he smirked.

"are you sure?" he asked and kissed me again.

"bye," i said and left the school building.

i called back andy on the verge of tears.

he thinks that it works like that?

that's not how it works.

"what's wrong, birdy?" he asked with my nickname he gave me in middle school.

"he kissed me.. twice," i told him and he had no comment.

"help me!" i raised my voice, desperate for help.

"that's it, how much time do you have left of lunch?" he asked me, demandingly.

"about 45 minutes. lunch just started," i told him and i heard him start to fiddle with his keys.

"im on my way." he confessed and hung up.

about five minutes later andy pulled up to the school parking lot.

i ran up to him and hugged him as tight as i could, he did the same.

we walked into school and christofer was with his group of friends.

andy started to walk over to his table and my eyes widened in fear.

"no!" i yelled at him and he continued to walk over there

i grabbed at his wrist and started to tug on it like a three year old.

"please," i looked at him with wide eyes which caused him to give in.

"fine, we'll go together," he smiled and dragged me over.

"Andrew!" i screeched and he shot a look at me.

"did you call me Andrew?" he asked and i nodded, i only called him Andrew  if I truly wanted to get out of something.

"im so sorry, birdy," he wrapped me in a warm hug and i started to cry.

call me a crybaby.

i don't fucking care.

i clung onto andy as long as i could.

christofer walked up to andy and tapped his shoulder.

"what?" andy growled at him and gave him a glare.

"i told her i was sorry, she didn't care. don't give me this shit, andy," christofer angrily said and i backed up.

then, andy punched christofer in the nose, hard enough to break it.

christofer stumbled back and held onto his nose.

"goddamn," chris mumbled and punched andy in the cheek.

"STOP," i yelled and put my arms in between the two boys.

"im tired of this," i confessed and walked away.

i am.

im done.

i love you, andy, my bestest friend.

i ran into the bathroom and cut my wrists about twenty times on each side.

two inches deep.

andy barged in and quickly ran to my side.

he brought out his phone and dialed 911. (emergency number in the U.S.)

"my best friend, she's damaged herself," and that's all i heard before i blacked out.

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