nine •fuck the homecoming king•

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<3 - princessgrxssi

this kind of situation reminds me of House.

Cameron went on a date with House and then slept with Chase.

im dating chris then i kissed tyler.

well, he kissed me.

he thinks he's so special.

like he was just crowned homecoming king.

fuck the homecoming king.

i entered the lunchroom, once more before spring break.

i couldn't be more excited, two weeks of freedom.

i can go and see my old friend.

just friend.

no friends.

not a plural.

i walked over to chris and his friends.

minus Tyler.

fuck the homecoming king.

"hi, darling," he said and i smiled at him.

"excited for spring break?" he asked me and i nodded immediately.

"i want you to meet my best friend, Andy," i told him and he nodded. (@@ ximena ;))

"just let him know you're mine," he laughed and i nodded.

"we've been friends since middle school, there's nothing to worry about," i smiled.

we ate together filled with laughs and smiles.

that's when chris brought out his guitar.

again?, i thought to myself.

"this is for robin," he shouted and i smiled.

"Record scratch; Steve Miller Band
Tattooed necks and tattooed hands
Oh, how don't you drown in a rain storm?
Fresh regrets, vodka sweats
The sun is down and we're bound to get
Exhausted and so far from the shore" the words loudly escaped his lips and i sang along.

'it's our song' i mouthed to him and he nodded.

"You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and a' whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes.
Literal hell."

here it comes.

im excited to see his way of signing it.

then he stopped.

"i want you to sing this part with me" he said and i shook my head.

"come on," he smiled and i gave in.

"We don't have to talk
We don't have to dance
We don't have to smile
We don't have to make friends
It's so nice to meet you,
Let's never meet again
We don't have to talk
We don't have to dance" we sang together.

he didn't know MY andy sang this.

i just noticed.

we finished the song and i hat a stupid smirk on my face.

"you did amazing," he said and i shook my head.

"nah," i responded, "you did better," I added on and he dramatically shook his head.

"nuh huh," he said and i laughed.

+meeting Andy+
"IM SO EXCITED," i loudly told chris as we exited the school.

"i know you are, baby," he said and i smiled at the pet name.

"Martin high, correct?" he asked and i nodded.

when we pulled into the parking lot i got a lot of confused faces.

my hand was laced with christofer's as everyone made their remarks about me.

"ugh, she's back?" someone asked and i flipped them off.

when i saw Andy i let go of christofer's hand and jumped into his arms.

"hey, i missed you," he said and i nodded.

"i missed you too," i spoke and he set me down.

"EMO IS BACK," one guy yelled and i rolled my eyes.

i grabbed my boyfriends hand and introduced the two.

"andy, this is my boyfriend, christofer," i said and he smiled.

"christofer, this is my best friend, andy," they shook hands and i decided to tell him about our song.

"hey christofer, this is andy, the one that sings OUR song," i told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"is that so?," he asked and i nodded.

"sick voice, man," he said and andy nodded.

"I've heard you sing?" Andy questioned and i nodded.

i feel short.

andy is 6'4", and chris is 5'11" and here i am, 5'1".

but i didn't care.

i get to be with the two people i love the most.

i grabbed Chris's hand and we started walking back to the car.

"I'll take mine and follow," andy said and i said okay.

we reached the park and we sat under a tree.

"i feel like a third wheel," andy said and I laughed.

"you're not," i reassured him and he shrugged.

i then stood up to climb the tree we were sitting under.

christofer followed and andy, being andy started to sing.

"ROBIN AND CHRISTOFER SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" he yelled and christofer kissed me.

"now we are," i winked down at him and he closed his eyes.

"aww," i said and hopped down from the tree.

i jumped on andys back and he started to run around.

"ANDY," i yelled and he laughed.

"PUT ME DOWN," i screeched and he set me down.

christofer came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist.

i tilted my head back and looked at him.

he simply kissed me and andy made an interesting comment.

"EW," andy screamed and i laughed.

the christofer turned me around and proceeded to kiss me.

andy covered his eyes and i smiled through the kiss.

we separated and andy looked like a tall toddler covering his eyes because his parents were kissing.

andy peeped through his fingers and once he saw that the coast was clear, he removed his hands.

"r.i.p. Andrew Biersack," i said and he glared at me.

"don't use my full first nameee," he wined and i hugged him.

+christofer's house+
"did you have fun, baby?" christofer asked me and i nodded.

"thank you," i said and he smiled.

"i love you," he said and i smiled at him.

"i love you too," i responded and with that,  he kissed me.

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