ten • we dont have to dance •

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i was in my room, the next day with andy and christofer.

my head was in christofer's lap and he played with my hair.

thank god my dad is out.

andy was scrolling through his phone and i began to doze off.

i fell asleep.

"aww," christofer and andy said at the same time and i turned my head into his stomach and wrapped my arms around his waist.

they both continued to scroll through their phones and i slept for another hour or so.

i fluttered my eyes open and layer my head flat on Chris's lap.

"hey, darling," he said and i smiled. i sat up and gasped when i saw what my hair looked like.

"what?" andy asked and laughed.

"my hair looks like I went down a slide 100 times," i explained and he laughed for a good two minutes.

once i fixed my hair i sat down next to christofer and leaned my head on his shoulder.

my phone buzzed and i picked it up to see i was getting a call.

"hello?" i answered and i heard a scoff.

"hey, idiot," avery said through the speaker phone.

chris took the phone and started to yell at her.

i stood up and walked to the restroom.

i should've just shot myself.

i lurked through the cabinet for any pills that would screw me over.

and no, her calling me an idiot doesn't bring me down.

it's knowing I'll have to deal with her later.

her torment, everyone else's torment.

i found sleeping pills and opened the bottle

the bottle slipped out of my hands and made a loud noise as all the pills poured out of the bottle.

the door barged open, it was andy.

"Robin, no no, please no," he pleaded me and i shook my head.

i let out a sob and christofer came to my view.

"goddamnit," christofer mumbled and i frowned.

"just let me die, just one favor," i pleaded and they shook their heads.

"we love you too much," andy spoke for the both of them with a shaky breath. 

he wrapped his arms tightly around me and i did the same to him.

"im sorry," i said and he shook his head.

"don't be," was his simple response.

we walked back into my room and christofer still hasn't said a word.

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