three •she's furious•

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once we walked off from avery and her friends, we started to walk to my locker.

i dropped off my books and he walked me to my first class.

he's so sweet.

before i walked into first period christofer gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away.



when i saw christofer with his friends i couldn't help but smile.

they we're fist bumping each other and patting him on the back.

what's this about?

"heyyy" i said exaggerating the "y".

"hey" he said and smiled lightly.

i took a seat next to christofer and he started to eat.

of course im not eating. i lie and say i eat at home.

"are you sure you're not going to eat, robin?" his friend tyler asked me.

"im sure, i eat after school," i responded.

i started messing with my wrists and christofer noticed.

"what's wrong?" he asked in a whisper.

"huh? oh, nothing" i lied through my teeth.

everything started circling and i heard christofer yelling my name.

then everything went black.


"hey, what happened?" i questioned.

all i remember is everything starting to circle around me.

"you've had a calorie deficiency, it means you haven't eaten enough" he explained to me and i looked down in disappointment.

"im so sorry" i said and started to cry.

"hey, it's not your fault, no need to apologize" he softly spoke to me.

"hello, i am Nurse Taylor" the nurse spoke to me.

"so, you've had a nutrient deficiency and you're now anorexic" she explained and left the room and i cried even more.

"im sorry, that was rude if her to do" he spoke to me kindly.

"you can go home today, if you promise me you'll eat, please?" he pleaded with trusting eyes.

"I'll try," i responded and he kissed my forehead.

+getting dropped off+

"are you sure you'll be okay here, love?" he asked and i smiled at the pet name.


"yeah, I'll be fine," i said and he pecked my lips before i got out of the car.

i slowly creaked open the door and went to the kitchen and decided to eat, like i had promised christofer.

but im fat enough.

but I'll try.

i grabbed a piece of bread because that's all my dad will ever let me eat.

i started to chew but i couldn't keep it down and i rushed to the restroom.

"I'm so so sorry christofer" i cried and hid my face in my hands.

i walked into my room and realized i had three text messages and four missed calls.

they were from christofer.

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