Part 1: Chapter 1

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It was raining the day I left. It wasn't unusual weather for September in Silver Point. I stuffed my final box in the bed of the truck.

"Let's haul on out." My uncle Jerry said, a toothpick stuck out between his teeth. My aunt Katie gave me a hug goodbye.

"Be safe, understand?" She said softly.

"Always. I promise."

She released me as I got into the rusted truck with my uncle. We began the three hour drive to West Haven University, located in northern Oregon. It was a smaller campus, but it had a great Psychology program. I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to do, but it's what my aunt and uncle thought I was good at.

I had lived with my aunt and uncle since I was little. My parents died when I was young. Yes, kind of like Harry Potter, but not as bad. My aunt and uncle were good people. They worked a lot and supported me throughout my entire life. I had such love and appreciation for them, but I was happy to be on my own soon.

My uncle Jerry dropped me off on campus. I checked in to Thornton Residence hall where I was given my key to my room. I was nervous, I hadn't met my roommate yet.

I carried my boxes into my room. Half of the room was already taken and filled with my roommates stuff. His bed was lofted, his computer desk sat under it. He had a gaming equipment already set up. He was sitting in the chair next to the computer, headphones on.

"Hi, I'm Erin. Your new roommate." I introduced myself.

He didn't turn away from his screen.

"Cole." He responded.

"Cool, nice to meet you. What's your major?"

"Computer science."

"That's really cool!"

There was a silence. I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm a psychology major."

"Cool." He said sharply, indicating the end of the conversation.

It's alright, I told myself. I'll meet others, I will have friends. Not everyone clicks with their roommates immediately.

I unpacked my boxes and set up my side of the room. It didn't take long to set up. The RA came to check on us. He told us about the freshman welcoming events and encouraged us to participate.

"Do you want to go with me? There's free ping pong at the rec center and-."

"No, thanks." He said sharply.

"Alright. I'll see you later then." I went to the rec center by myself. I took a few wrong turns but the campus was small enough I eventually stumbled upon it.

The recreation center was full of games, billiard tables, and a bowling alley. Freshman swarmed over a table for a free T-shirt.

I was a bit awkward, I wanted to make friends. College was supposed to be when you make your lifelong friends. Sure, it was only the first day, but I needed to make a good impression. There were multiple groups of people, how did they form groups already? They surely couldn't be as exclusive as they were in high school. Right?

I tried to insert myself into several groups. It was awkward. I ended up getting my free T-shirt and leaving. The shirt was three times too big for me, with the school's mascot and letters on it.

West Haven University

Home of the Otters

There was a group of people ahead of me. A couple guys and a few girls. They were talking loudly as they walked back to their dorms.

"Are you going to Sigma Cappa tonight?" One of the guys asked.

"I don't know, I'm kind of tired." The other replied.

"What? You have to! They're having a huge welcome party!"

"They'll have parties all week, don't kid yourself."

Party? I thought to myself. I had never been much of a partier, but it seemed like a good opportunity to meet new people.

I stared at my small closet. What would I wear? What do people wear to parties. Cole remained in his computer chair, his eyes didn't split from the screen.

"Hey, Cole. I'm gonna go to a party tonight, do you wanna come with?" I asked.


"Okay, thought I'd offer."

First day and I already wasn't a fan of the guy. I tried to tell myself to be more optimistic. He has to leave the room when he has class, right?

I changed into a fitting shirt and dark jeans. I put my glasses back on and styled my dark hair. I found the address of the Sigma Cappa house. It wasn't far from campus. I took a deep breath and began to walk toward it.

The music could be heard down the street. There was a bunch of people outside waiting to get in. They let a group of girls in ahead of me, along with a couple guys. Three frat men waited at the door. They were all white, with shorts on, and their hats were turned backwards.

"Hi." I said to them.

"Get lost, no dudes allowed unless you're in Sigma Cappa."

"Those dudes went in with those girls." I pointed out.

"Look, our house. We say who comes in, and who doesn't. Got it?"

I began to back up.

"There you are! I thought I lost you!" A girl touched my arm.

"He's with me. Can he please come in with me, boys?"

"Fine." He crossed his arms and let us in. She took my arm and led me in.

"Dumb rules, right? 'No dicks, only chicks. Kinda a creepy rule if you ask me."

"Yeah, agreed. Thanks for getting me in back there."

"No problem. I'm Nadine."

"I'm Erin."

Nadine was gorgeous. Her skin was black. She had big eyes, and long, curly hair. She was wearing a red top and tight jeans. Her nails were done.

"Are you a freshman?" She asked.

"I am, I live in Thornton. Second floor. What about you?"

"Sophomore. I live in Wilson Hall. Pretty cool, huh? Do you like it here?"

When we entered the house it was the living room. The house was huge. There were bright flashing lights, and loud music that made my ears ring. There were bottles of alcohol everywhere. The house was crowded with people.

"Stick with me!" Said Nadine. I followed her. We bought overpriced Jell-O shots from the frat boys.

"I've never done a Jell-O shot before." I shouted to her through the loud music.

"Just start slurping!"

We began to slurp cheap Jell-O shots together. It was the first alcohol I really consumed. She pulled me over to a group of people she seemed familiar with.

"Guys! This is Erin!"

"Hi!" I shouted over the music. I couldn't quite catch their names over the loud noise. There were two guys and a girl.

Nadine and I went over to buy more Jell-O shots.

"Are you having fun?" She shouted.

Just then, we heard sirens. Blue and red lights flashed.

"It's the cops!" Someone yelled. The music stopped.

"What do we do?"


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