In My Own Head.

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It was early morning at the titan tower-around 7:15 if Beast boy's alarm clock is right. The green changeling had just woken up from a restful nights sleep and there was a pit in his stomach that needed to be filled. As he started getting dressed he caught the scent of pancakes in the air; his stomach growled with delight and he finished getting dressed as quickly as he could, not even taking the time to look at himself in the mirror.

He ran down the hallways of the tower, making his way to the kitchen as fast as he could, he turned a corner and BANG! He fell to the ground, when he opened his eyes he saw two beautiful violet eyes staring right back at him. He quickly realized that he was right on top of Raven and got up as quickly as he could while muttering apologies to Raven as a blush formed on his green cheeks.

"Raven!" The green boy yelled. "I'm so sorry! I-smelled-pancakes-and-I-was-so-hungry-and-I-was-running-and-I-didn't-see-you-there-and-I-banged-into-you-and-please-forgive me!" He said all in one breath, panting when he finished.

"Whatever." Was all Raven replied with as she walked past him and into her room.

I'm such an idiot! I shouldn't have made a fool of myself like that! Ugh I'm so stupid, she could never feel anything for someone like me. She doesn't even think of me as a friend

Beast boy walked over to the kitchen where he sat down. Cyborg smacked a plate filled with pancakes and syrup down in front of beast boy.

"BB!" Cyborg yelled with a huge grin on his face. "I made PANCAKES!!" You could hear the excitement and pride in Cyborg's voice.

"No thanks man." Beast boy said as he slide the plate away. "I'm not really that hungry."

Cyborg's smile faltered. "Well more for me then!" He said as his grin quickly returned to his face.

Beast boy got up and moved to the couch to play some video games, he wanted to get his mind off of things. He popped in his newest game-"Battle Of The Agurcks!"- and started to play, trying to beat his high score.

Eventually all of the gore and brutality got boring and he started thinking about Raven again.

Raven's eyes were so beautiful when she was looking at me, and her hair smells so good. I wish I would've leaned down and-NO! I need to stop thinking about her! She doesn't even notice me!

Beast boy snapped out of it and realized that he had been killed in his game. He got up and turned the game off with a sigh. He went back over to the couch and sat down, he didn't know what he was going to do.

As he sat there, bored out of his mind, Raven come Into the room and got herself a cup of tea; she sat down next to him and began reading her book. Beast boy got uncomfortable, not because of Raven but because he didn't know what to do around her; he tried to seem normal and "cool" but he just didn't know how to. Raven noticed this and looked over at him, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" She said in her usual monotone voice.

"Oh, um,, I was just.." Beast boy struggled to find his words. "I have to use the bathroom!" And with that said he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, leaving a confused and concerned Raven all alone.

Why do I keep doing this? Why do I always get like that when I'm around her? I wish I could just talk to her normally.

Beast boy left the bathroom and went to one of his favourite thinking places-the roof.

Once he got up to the roof he sat at the edge and let his feet dangle over the sides of the tower. He loved the roof so much because it overlooked the whole city and the view was incredible. He sat there just thinking about Raven and all they have been through together; all of the fights-between them and the villains, all of the loss and questions and the bond that the whole team has. He thought about how she was there for him when Terra left and how he was there for her when Malchior betrayed her. They've been through so much together and Beast boy can't picture his life without her in it anymore.

Beast boy heard the door to the roof open and he turned around to see a beautiful violet haired girl walking towards him. She sat down next to him and focused her eyes on the amazing view. He kept looking at her, expecting her to say something but she just sat there and watched the sunrise.

"Um, hey Rae.." Beast boy said to break the silence.

"It's Raven." Raven said without any hesitation.

"Yeah, right.. sorry."

"Beast boy, what's wrong?" The pale enchantress asked. "These past couple of days you've seemed so weird and anxious when you're around me."

"I haven't been acting weird or anxious, I'm fine, see!" Beast boy said, pointing to his big, toothy, smile.

"I'm an empath Beast boy, I can sense your emotions."

"Listen Rae, I don't know what you're talking about; I am completely, perfectly, one hundred percent, fine." Beast boy hated lying to Raven but he couldn't let her know how he felt about her; if she knew then everything would change, she would feel wouldn't feel the same way about him and she'd be so uncomfortable around him that she'd start avoiding him. He couldn't ruin their friendship like that. He couldn't.

"Fine, forget I asked." Raven said, clearly hurt that he couldn't trust her enough to tell her what was bothering him. She got up and headed towards the roof door. She opened it and before she went inside she turned around. "And it's Raven." Then she slammed the door shut, leaving Beast boy alone with his thoughts.

I hate that I'm doing this to her but it's for the better. At least she's still my friend; it's better than nothing I guess.

Beast boy quietly sat out on the room for  the majority of the day, trying to keep his thoughts under control.


Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it :) Please email me if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding anything. Have a nice day!:)

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