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"Uh, hi Rae.." Beast Boy said, nervously rubbing the back of his head.


When Raven opened her door she was not expecting to see Beast Boy on the other side of it, especially after what she said to him late last night. She though Beast Boy would hate her forever, and as much as it broke her heart, she hoped that he would hate her forever. She couldn't let him be with her, she couldn't. It was too risky, she would end up ruining him, ruining the person that she loves; she also couldn't risk harming the people around her. She can't feel emotion, her powers aren't stable enough to allow her to feel emotions, not even love it was a danger and it was a risk. She would have to stay strong, not give in to him, not show her emotions, not show how much she loves him.

"What do you want, Beast Boy?" Raven managed to choke out in a monotone voice, keeping her gaze strong and unfaltering.

"Um, I, uh.. I just.." Beast Boy stammered before letting out a sigh of defeat. "I don't really know if I'm being honest with you. I just wanted to see you, I guess."

"Well now you've seen me." Raven barked as she slams her door shut.

Beast Boy stood outside the door, his ears lowering. Standing there, his eyes focused on her door, not moving, just standing there, staring. He could feel his heart sinking in his chest and a storm of emotions ran over his body- Sadness, anger, grief, but mostly hopelessness. There was nothing he could do, there was nothing. He didn't know what he did to make Raven hate him, his mind was racing, trying to think back to what he could have possibly done or said to make Raven act this way. So many thing were going on inside of him, yet, he just stood there, staring at her door as if his body was stuck.

On the other side of the door stood Raven who could feel all of the emotions that Beast Boy was feeling. She felt his sadness, his anger, his grief, and she felt his overwhelming sense of hopelessness. Raven wanted to go out there and wrap him in her arms and hold him and love him, she wanted that so much, but she couldn't do that, she couldn't ruin him.

Just as Raven had come to terms with the fact that she couldn't go out there, Beast Boy suddenly has a surge of sadness strike him. A sadness so strong it greater than anything he had ever felt, and Raven felt it too. Raven couldn't walk away, not now, not after feeling this sadness, she would not let him suffer like that, not after all they have been through, no matter the cost.

Raven opened the door to her room, Beast Boy looked up at her and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out Raven walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly. After a moment he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closer to him. Raven rested her head on Beast Boy's shoulder, she could feel his heart beating and she couldn't help but smile.

"Come, let me explain." Raven whispered as they pulled apart. Beast Boy nodded and followed Raven into her room. She walked over to her neatly made bed and sat down, gesturing for Beast Boy to sit next to her.

Raven and Beast Boy sat and talked for hours. She explained everything, she explained why she said what she said to him and why she didn't think that they should have a relationship together. Beast Boy sat quietly as he listened to Raven talk. He focused on the features of her face as she talked; he noted the way her lips turned ever so slightly upwards as she spoke. He took in not only everything she said, but also everything she did, every way she moved, and every way he felt. Even as he listened to her explain why she didn't think that they should be together he felt happy. He felt so happy whenever he was around her. Raven, the dark sorceress of the Titan's was the one thing that truly lit up his life, ironically enough.

When Raven finished explaining everything to Beast Boy she looked at him, she looked deep into his emerald eyes and something came over her, she's wasn't sure what it was, but those emerald eyes were her one weakness. When she looked into them she couldn't help but fall more in love with him, so when she looked into them this time, something came over her and she leaned in slowly, making sure to keep contact with them as she did, and she place a soft, gentle kiss on Beast Boys lips.

When Raven pulled away Beast Boy was disappointed, he didn't want it to end. He looked up at her and he saw a small smile on her lips. That smile, that smile is the smile that gets him every time. Every time he see's that smile he falls more and more in love with her. Beast Boy moved forward and placed his hand on Raven's cheek and he pulled her in close to him, their lips met and he pulled her closer to him. Lamps were breaking, books flying, and things shaking, but neither of them cared. Both of them were too focused on each other to notice, both of them were too happy to care. Items in Raven's room  were flying around them as they continued to kiss, but neither of them paid attention, neither of them were going to be separated from each other ever again, they wouldn't let that happen.

He is the Beast Boy to her Raven. She is the Raven to his Beast Boy.


Hi guys! I know it's been a looong time since I've updated this book, and I'm sorry, but there was a family incident and I just didn't have the motivation to write for a while after it, but now I'm back and I couldn't be more excited! I want to thank you guys so much! When I wrote my last chapter this book had 900 reads, and now it has 1.8 thousand reads!! Thank you guys so much, I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for you guys!

As always leave me any thoughts, tips, or suggestions. Thank you guys so much for reading! Have an amazing day:)

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