The Attack

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Beast boy stood up as quickly as he could. The pain that zapped through his body as his feet hit the floor was almost unbearable. Almost. Beast boy used what strength he had and limped over to Raven, who was laying in a chair, unconscious. Beast boy tried to yell, but his voice got caught in his dry, swollen throat. He walked over to the door and tried to pound on it, but his arms we numb at his side, he was unable to move them. Beast boy transformed into a green mammoth and slammed down the door, instantly the rest of the titan's ran over to him.

"BB! You're awake!" Cyborg cheered. "But why did you break the door?"

Beast boy walked over to the kitchen to get some water. He needed to wet his throat if he was going to be able to tell them about Raven. The changeling gulped down water from the tap like he had never drank anything before this moment. He stopped, his throat no longer irritated, and he began to speak.

"Listen guys, Raven healed me, but it took a lot out of her. I think she may have pushed herself too far."

Robin and Cyborg looked at each other and ran to the med room, leaving Beast boy and Starfire behind.

"I am sure that friend Raven will be alright. She is very strong." Starfire said, trying to cheer up Beast boy. Beast boy looked at her. In his eyes, Starfire saw that all of his hope was gone, He no longer had any faith that Raven would get better.

"I don't know, Star. She looked pretty bad."

"Friend Beast boy, you must not give up the hope!" Starfire yelled. Partially to make Beast boy believe, and partially to make herself believe.

Robin walked out of the med room and up to Beast boy and Starfire. His face looked grim, he looked as though his body was about to shut down. Beast boy and Starfire looked up at him, waiting for what he was going to say.

"Raven is in bad condition. Her body is completely drained, she barely has enough energy to keep her systems running. She isn't in any danger as long as we keep an eye on her and help her body function, in a couple days she should be fine." Robin said, smiling. Beast boy and Starfire both looked at each other, a smile lighting up their faces.

"Oh how joyous!" Starfire screamed.

Beast boy opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get anything out, there was a big smash. All of the Titan's looked to their left and saw Slade's robots smashing in through the windows.

"TITANS GO!" Robin screamed as he jumped up into the air and kicked the head off of a robot.

Beast boy morphed into a gorilla as he picked up two robots and smashed them together, turning them to dust between his strong hands. Starfire flew up into the air and sent starbolts down on the robots on the ground, slashing through them as if they were paper.

Inside the med room, Cyborg heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on. He stepped out of the the med room and saw at least a hundred robots, and the Titan's fighting.

"Yo what the-" Cyborg said as his arm turned into a laser and he shot through multiple robots, dropping them to the floor.

Three robots ran up to Robin, and grabbed him, holding him in place. Starfire star-bolted one, sending its head flying off, Robin flipped over the two robots, sending them into each other.

"We need to protect Raven!" Shouted Cyborg as he stood in front of the door, fighting off the robots who tried to enter. The other Titan's ran towards the door. Beast boy turned into a rhinoceros and smashed through the big group of robots that surrounded Cyborg.

The fighting persisted. The Titan's kept smashing robot after robot, but the robot's kept coming, they seemed endless, like there were millions of them just waiting to come in as soon as there was room. The team was getting tired. All of this fighting was draining them, and they didn't know if they could keep this up much longer.

Robin kicked a robot out of the window and turned around. When he turned around he saw a fist coming towards his face. He skillfully dodged and jumped away, getting a better look at the attacker.

Robin looked and what he saw left a pit in his stomach. Slade.

Slade slowly walked forward, keeping his eyes on Robin, not letting Robin out of his sight, not letting Robin make a move that he wouldn't see.

"Well well well, Robin. Looks like I've won." Slade said, his voice as calm as ever.

"You haven't won Slade! You'll never win!" Robin seethed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, we'll see." Slade said, a slight chuckle being heard from his voice. "Beast boy!" Slade yelled. "Come get me!"

Beast boy turned from his position and saw Slade. His body being filled with anger, remembering what Slade had done to him. Beast boy turned into a tiger and lunged at Slade. Slade pulled a needle out of his belt and stabbed it into Beast boy's throat, causing Beast boy to fall to the ground, instantly unconscious.

Slade grabbed Beast boy's now human form and leaped out of the window with him, leaving the Titan's to fight the ever-growing swarm of robots.

Suddenly the doors to the med bay flung over and Raven flew out. Dark energy swirled around the tower, destroying every robot it touched. She lifted ten robots up into the air and flung them out the window to their inevitable demise.

"AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" Shouted Raven, and a burst of dark energy filled the tower and destroyed all of the robots.

Raven floated back to the ground, her eyes cleared, and the Titan's all ran to her, asking her all kinds of questions and telling her that she needed rest. Raven didn't bother to answer them, there was only one thing she wanted to know.

"Where's Beast boy?"


Thank you guys so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I am so sorry for taking this long to update! My last laptop broke down and my new one just came in yesterday, so be expecting a lot faster update times! Please tell me how you guys liked it and give me suggestions for new chapter ideas, I might choose yours! And you will be seeing A LOT more bbrae action in the next 2 chapters, I have quite a lot of things planned. Have a great day, and thank you!

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