On The Ground.

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"Beast boy?"

Beast boy quickly wiped the tears off of his face and slowly turned around to face Raven.

Raven's face looked as beautiful as ever, her hood was down and Beast boy could see her face and all of her features. He stared into her violet eyes, he felt like he was looking into her soul, seeing all of the good and bad inside her.

"Beast boy I need to explain myself to you."

"I'm good." Beast boy sighed, as his ears lowered he began to walk away.

"No Beast boy, you don't understand." Raven began, still in her monotone. "I know that I said no to you when you asked me out and I know that you're hurt by that, but the reason I said no to you is.."

Raven was cut off by a loud beeping going off- there was a crime. Raven and Beast boy rushed into the common room and found their friends there.

"Okay team, Dr. Light is terrorizing the city and it's our job to stop him. MOVE!" Robin yelled.

Robin and Cyborg took the T-Car while Beast boy, Starfire, and Raven flew.  They could see the destruction below them that was being caused by Dr. Light.

"Do any of you have visual on Dr. Light?" Robin asked through the communicator.

"I saw him up ahead." Raven said as the rest of the team followed her. She landed on the ground, along with Beast boy and Starfire, the T-car stopped behind them. Before them stood Dr. Light, he looked ready for them.

"Give it up, Dr. Light. Your fun is over." Robin yelled.

"Oh, my fun is just getting started." Smirked Dr. Light as he aimed his light cannon towards Beast boy. Luckily with his animal-like reflexes, Beast boy was able to jump out of the way. Unfortunately, when he jumped out of the way he also landed on a mine that Dr. Light had set up. It exploded light and blinded Beast boy. Dr. Light aimed his cannon again and this time he didn't miss.

Beast boy had just started to gain his vison back when he got shot. Everything was starting to go black. All the noise around him seemed muffled. He dropped to his knees, trying to keep consciousness.

"Beast boy!"  Raven yelled from behind him as she ran up to him and held him in her arms. Beast boys eyes started closing as he took a final breath and fell unconscious. Raven had tears streaming down her eyes now.

Beast boy thought I hated him. He's gone now and he thought I hated him. What have I done?

Raven hugged Beast boy tightly and she didn't want to think about letting go. She heard laughter from behind her. She turned her head to see Dr. Light laughing hysterically. A rage built up inside of her, a rage that she had never experienced before. She slowly stood up, eyeing down Dr. Light as she did so.

"Uh Rae I think you should take BB back to the tower. We've got this. Beast boy needs you right now." Cyborg said, trying to keep Raven at bay. Raven didn't listen, she didn't acknowledge him in any way. She started to slowly float up into the air.

"Raven! Don't do something you'll regret!" Robin shouted up at Raven.

"Oh trust me, I won't regret this." Raven replied. Her monotone slowly turning to hatred.

"Raven, is this what the friend Beast boy wants?" Starfire replied, trying to get Raven to see reason.

"Beast boy can't make that decision. He can't make that decision because of him!" Raven yelled. Her monotone now completely abandoning her.

Robin opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get any words out there was a big bang. Darkness erupted from Raven's hands and filled the whole sky. Her eyes split into four and turned a deep red. She rose higher into the sky and it looked as though Hell itself was opening up.

"You will be punished." Raven's demonic voice boomed and sent chills down the spine of everyone who could hear it.

She grasped Dr. Light in her dark magic and brought him up into the air with her. They were face to face and his laughing had stopped a while ago. The look on his face was a look of complete and utter terror. He looked like he could drop dead from a heart attack at any minute.

"Your crimes end here!" Raven shouted as more darkness erupted from her hands, directed at Dr. Light.

The magic was making its way to Dr. Light. It was getting closer and closer to hitting and inevitably killing him. It was mere seconds away when she heard a voice from behind her.

"Rae? Rae what are you doing?"

Raven turned around and she saw a beaten up Beast boy standing there. Using all of the strength he had just to stand up.

"Raven this isn't you. You're a hero, not a murderer. Don't give into Trigon."

Raven's heart sunk as she realized what she was doing. She released Dr. Light and fell to her knees, sobbing quietly into her hands.

"What have I done? I'm a monster. All I do is hurt people. First you, now him. I don't deserve this, I don't deserve to be called a hero. I'm no hero, I'm a monster, and that's all I'll ever be."

"No, Rae. You're not a monster, you're.."

She didn't give Beast boy a chance to finish what he was going to say, she didn't want to hear it. Nothing he could say could take away what she had done. Who she had become. She had to get away from here, she had to get away from all of it. She couldn't risk hurting her friends. They meant to much for her to do that.

She stopped in the tower and immediately headed for her room. She packed all of her stuff and headed for the exit.

"Goodbye tower, I'll miss you. I hope my friends know that I'm doing this for their good.." She dropped a note that she wrote in Beast boy's room, explaining everything. She walked out the door of the tower and she didn't look back.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know how you feel about it in the comments or email me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Have a good day! :)

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