Don't Want To Wake

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Beast boy walked out into the common room, a smile on his face that seemed able to illuminate the whole room. He walked over to the couch that was being used by Raven reading her book and Robin watching TV.

Beast boy jumped over the back of the couch and plopped down next to Raven. Raven turned to face him, locking eyes with him. A smile shone across her face as she saw the green changeling. Beast boy wrapped his arm around the sorceress and pulled her closer to him. Raven rested her head on his shoulder and they both sighed in contentment.

"You smell nice." Beast boy said as he kissed the top of Raven's head. Raven looked up at him, smiling.

"You don't." Raven teased as Beast boy mocked a look of hurt.

"Wow Rae, now I'm really sad." Beast boy played, crossing his arms and quivering his lip.

"Well.." Raven started. "I think I know how to make you feel better." Raven smirked as she leaned forward and gently touched her lips to Beast boy's.

"I'm suddenly feeling a lot better." Beast boy said, leaning to kiss Raven again.

"Would you two get a room?" Robin groaned from the other side of the couch.

"We always have to watch you and Starfire, it's your turn to watch now." Beast boy countered, leaning in to once again kiss Raven.

"Man! I'm tryna' eat over here!" Cyborg yelled from the kitchen, his mouth stuffed with what was once an omelet.

Raven smiled and pulled away from Beast boy. Beast boy frowned at Raven and tried to go in  for another kiss, but Raven put her finger to his lips.

"We probably shouldn't annoy them anymore, Gar." Raven whispered softly. Beast boy sighed in defeat, but then his face quickly lit up again.

"Well then I guess we'll just have to do this somewhere else." Beast boy smiled.

"Gar, that's not what I-" Raven started, but it was too late as she was already being pulled by the wrist to Beast boy's room.

Beast boy approached his room, opening the door and leading Raven inside. The room was tidied up, not completely clean, but a big improvement from before. Beast boy guided Raven to his now queen sized bed and they both sat down on it.

"You make me so happy, Raven. I've never been this happy before in my life, and now that I'm with you I feel like I have everything I want and everything that I'll ever want. I love you so much, Raven. You mean everything to me." Beast boy said, leaning in and gently kissing her.

Raven pulled away so she could answer him. "Beast boy, before you I was just a half demon. I didn't think that anybody could ever love me. I didn't think anyone could love a demon, but then you came along and showed me so much more love than I could've ever imagined possible. I love you so much, Garfield."

Raven leaned in and kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer to him, his arms around her waist. They leaned into each other, both savouring the kiss, neither wanting to separate. The kiss was slow, yet it held so much emotion in it, so much love for one another. The kiss represented everything that their words could not describe. It represented a love so true that even the most skilled poet would not be able to describe it. It represented everything that they loved about each other, and everything they needed.

Too soon the couple broke apart, both breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath. Beast boy pulled Raven to him, holding her. His arms wrapped around her body. He just wanted to feel her, to be near her. She's everything that he wants.

"I love you so much Raven. I never want to lose you. Ever. Please never leave me." Beast boy said, still holding Raven.

Raven broke apart from Beast boy and looked deep into his eyes, a smile danced across her lips as she held Beast boy's hand and began to speak.

"Beast boy." She began.

"Yeah, Rae?" Beast boy answered, looking in her eyes. Her beautiful indigo eyes that held so much emotion.

"I would never want to be with someone like you."

Beast boy's face instantly fell in horror. He knew where this was going, he somehow knew the exact words she would say next.

"You're a fool if you think I could ever like you."

Those words haunted Beast boy. They played in his mind over and over as he stood there, a blank expression on his face.

I would never want to be with someone like you. You're a fool if you think I could ever like you. I would never want to be with someone like you. You're a fool if you think I could ever like you. I would never want to be with someone like you. You're a fool if you think I could ever like you.

Beast boy shot up in his bed, sweat rolling down the sides of his head, his heart pounding so fast in his chest it hurts. Hot tears rolling down his cheeks and dripping onto his already wet, sweat drenched bed.

Beast boy stood up and walked around the room, trying to get his mind off of the nightmare, trying to get his mind off of Raven. It was only a nightmare, but she did say those words to him just last night. Beast boy hadn't seen her since then and her words had been haunting him ever since.

I need to see her again. I need to see her face and her eyes, her beautiful eyes. But I cant, if I do then she'll just say what she already said to me. She hates me. Beast boy thought to himself.

Raven sat in her room, mediating when she heard a knock on her door. She walked over to the door and opened it, curious as to who would be outside her room this late a night.

When she opened her door she saw none other than Beast boy. To his own disbelief he had managed to work up the courage to knock on Raven's door.

"Uh, hi Rae.." Beast boy said, nervously rubbing the back of his head.


Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I would like to thank you guys for 900 reads! I cant believe that this story has gotten this far. I am so grateful for all of you guys that continue to read, it really means a lot to me! Have an amazing day!

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