My Life Is Yours

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Raven floated to the ground and ran up to Beast boy. She was concerned and confused, she wanted to make sure that he was all right, but just by looking at how badly injured he was, she knew that he wasn't all right.

"What happened to you Beast boy? You're hurt."

Beast boy opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He tried so hard to speak, but he just couldn't manage to form any words. Beast boy gave up on trying to tell Raven what had happened, he was getting dizzy and trying to speak just made it worse. Beast boy needed to tell Raven what happened, though. He needed Raven to know before it was too late. The changeling opened his mouth one last time to try to force the words out of his mouth.

"Sl-Slade.." Was all that came out of Beast boy's mouth before his eyes turned upwards into his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Raven grabbed hold of Beast boy's arm and tried to concentrate. She needed to focus her powers and calm her emotions if she wanted to get Beast boy back to the tower as quickly as possible.

Raven began lightly chanting her mantra over and over, trying to find her centre.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

Raven was slowly calming down, but it was taking too long and Beast boy's condition was getting worse. She had to teleport him to the Titan tower as soon as possible, but if she tries to do it now then her powers could go haywire and just make everything worse. Was it worth the risk? Raven had so many thoughts flying through her head, but she just needed to calm down and focus on Beast boy.

If I don't do this, then Beast boy could die. I cant live with that. I need to do this. It's now or never.

Raven focused all of her energy and chanted one last time.

"Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS"

A big burst of purple and black filled the area surrounding Beast boy and Raven. It whirled around them relentlessly until smashing into them. Raven closed her eyes, bracing for the impact. Nothing happened. Raven quickly opened her eyes and saw that she was standing in the tower, with Beast boy lying on the ground in front of her.

"Robin! Cyborg! Star! We need help!" Raven called out to her friends while staring intensely at Beast boy, who still lies motionless on the floor, beaten and battered. Cyborg was the first to enter, he walked in and when he saw Beast boy his eyes widened.

"Rae, what happened to him!" Cyborg all but yelled.

"I don't know. Get him to the med bay, quickly!" Raven pleaded.

Cyborg picked up Beast boy and carried him over to the med bay. He lied him down on the bed and hooked him up to all kinds of machines, monitoring his vitals and various other things.

Raven was in her room meditating. Later she was going to use her magic to help heal Beast boy, but first she needed to meditate and calm her emotions or none of that would work.

She stayed in her room meditating for two hours until she finally felt calm. She exited and was immediately approached by Robin.

"What happened to Beast boy?" Robin asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know. All he said was Slade, then he fell to the ground." Raven answered in an irritated voice.

"Slade! He's never up to any good. We need to find him, we're going to find him! C'mon, I'll get Starfire, you get Cyborg and we'll meet in  the commons room to head out." Robin said, turning his back to leave.

"No. I'm not going to get sucked into your Slade obsession. Our friend is in the med bay, severely  injured and you want to go on a wild goose chase? Do what you want, but I'm not getting involved in this." Raven walked away from Robin, in the direction of the med bay.

Raven entered the med bay and saw Cyborg hooking Beast boy up to more machines. Cyborg turned his head and saw Raven. He nodded and left the room to give Raven space.

Raven walked up to Beast boy and got a good look at him. She hadn't noticed how badly beaten up he really was. Yes she saw him before, but it was all in the moment and she didn't really have time to process how badly bruised and scratched he was. She felt so guilty. She knew that she could've stopped this. It was her fault for leaving. If she wouldn't have left then none of this would have happened.

Raven felt her eyes water and she quickly stopped thinking about that. She needed to be calm so she could heal Beast boy.

Raven inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. She reached her hands forward and put them over Beast boy. Her hands started glowing a bright purple as she moved them around Beast boy's body and over all of his injuries. The cuts on Beast boy's body slowly closed. The bruises faded away. Both his black eyes turned to a shade a green again. His ribs fused back together.

Beast boy's body had made a tremendous recovery, but he still wasn't in very good shape, and he was still unconscious, which would've upset Raven, but she was too drained to realize. The power used to heal Beast boy, took up so much of Raven's own life force that she was struggling to stand. Raven felt dizzy and inched her way over to a chair. She collapsed into the chair and watched Beast boy as he slowly regained consciousness.

"I did this for you, Beast boy. Please forgive me for all I have done." Raven whispered so softly that there was no way Beast boy could hear her. She could barley hear herself.

Raven's eyes slowly closed as she slipped into a deep, dark sleep.


Thank you guys so much for reading! I really appreciate it! I know I haven't posted for a while and that's because ive been having some computer issues, but now everything is good and running again! I also want to thank you guys for 250 reads! It means so much to me that people are taking the time to read my work, so thank you again. Have an amazing day! :)

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