The Big Day.

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It was 5:00pm at the Titan tower. Robin was "training" with Starfire, Cyborg was just finishing his meal, Raven was in her room as always, and Beast boy was getting ready for one of the biggest nights of his life.

When he had asked Raven to go do something with him, he didn't dream that she would say yes; he just wanted to say it to try to get it off of his chest, but now that they were going to do something he had no clue what, he didn't prepare anything because he figured it would be useless. He stayed up all night trying to figure out something to do, he barely got two hours of sleep, none of that mattered to him though, what mattered was that he was about to go on a date with Raven-okay well maybe not a date exactly, but he's still calling it that.

Beast boy was just finishing up fixing his clothes-a white button-up shirt with some nice blue jeans-when there was a knock on his door. The changeling went over and opened up his door, taking one last look in the mirror before he did so.

A big, tall, muscular, metal man stood outside his door with a big grin on his face.

"Hey BB! You want to see if you can beat my high score on.." Cyborg stared at Beast boy, his eyes widening and a look of confusion made its way on to his face.

"What's with the nice clothes man? I didn't even know you had clean clothes, let alone nice clothes."

"Ha ha, very funny." Beast boy said unimpressed. "As a matter of fact I have a date tonight." The green boy said with a grin plastered on his face. Cyborg burst into laughter.

"HAHAHA!! BB your jokes keep getting better and better! HA!" A tear came out of Cyborgs human eye. Beast boy's face remained serious.

"Wait.. you are joking, right?" Cyborg asked, legitimately confused. Beast boy was visible agitated with the fact that his best friend couldn't think he could get a date; he'd understand if he told Cyborg it was with Raven, but the fact that he didn't say who it was with and Cyborg still didn't believe him made Beast boy annoyed.

"NO!" Beast boy half-yelled half-sighed. "I am going on a date! Why don't you believe me bro?"

"Sorry! I just couldn't imagine anyone going on a date with you." Cyborg emphasized the "you" with a friendly grin on his face.

"Soo Cy, how's it going with Bee? What about Jinx?" Beast boy retaliated.

"Touché." Cyborg said with an irritated frown and left The changeling alone.

Beast boy looked at his clock and saw that it was 5:30. He sighed, knowing that he still had a lot of time to spare he walked over to the common room and sat down. He wasn't really paying attention to what was on TV, his mind was too busy thinking about Raven and about their date that was going to happen in less than a half hour. He thought about all the things that they would do; go out to dinner, go to the movies, take a long walk through one of Beast boy's favourite trails, and then finally, at the end of the night while they were looking at the stars, Beast boy would lean in and plant and soft and sweet kiss on Ravens lips.

Beast boy caught himself drooling and quickly wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

I'm so excited to go out with Raven tonight, it's going to be the most perfect night ever; no one can take this night away from me.

Beast boy looked at the clock. It was 5:56. Beast boy found himself staring at the clock as each minute passed, counting down the minutes until finally-


His watch went off, signalling that it was time to go on his date. He basically jumped off of the couch and ran his way over to Ravens room; when he got close to her room he slowed down until finally stopping at her door.

He waited a minute and allowed himself to catch his breath and compose himself. He took a breath inward and knocked on the sorceress's door. He waited, holding his breath while doing so. After a wait that seemed to last multiple eternity's the door in front of him finally opened and what he saw made his jaw drop.

Before him stood Raven, but not the Raven he's used to seeing; this Raven didn't have her usual cloak on, instead she had on a black tank top that hugged her body and blue skinny jeans with rips where the knees are. She looked absolutely stunning to him.

He realised that his mouth was still open, gaping at her and he quickly closed it and tried his best to mutter out a intelligible sentence.

"Wow Raven.. you" he managed to get out, mentally kicking himself for sounding like an idiot.

Raven looked down trying to hide her blush, it was harder than usual because she didn't have her hood to help her, but she thinks that it went unnoticed.

"Thanks Beast boy." She said trying her best to sound like she wasn't nervous. "So where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see Rae, it's a surprise." The changeling said, his sentence managed to sound normal.

"One, it's Raven. Two, I don't like surprises." Raven stated. Beast boy frowned and his ears moved downwards ever so slightly. Raven felt a pit at the bottom of her stomach when she saw this.

Why do I always do this? Why am I always so mean to him? He seems really happy that I'm going with him and I just had to go and make him feel bad again. Ugh I hate myself for always making him sad, how does he still want to be around me after everything that I've done?

"But.." Raven mustered up all of her willpower and made a slight smile appear. "I can make an exception for today."

Beast boys ears perked up and his smile grew tenfold. He was jumping up and down inside his head, it took everything in him to not burst into a ball of energy.

"Great!" His smile grew even wider. "Then lets go Rae, I have some things planned and I don't want use to be late."

The two of them walked down the long hallways into the common room and then out the door together. They were going to head out a different way as to not make the other Titans suspicious of anything, but Cyborg was in his room charging and they still haven't seen Robin and Starfire..

The two of them walked towards the restaurant as the first part of the date began.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I have some good ideas for upcoming chapters so if you did like it then stay tuned! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns then don't hesitate to email me. Thank you again!

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