The Letter

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Beast boy and the other titan's entered the tower. They tried to be fast so they could catch Raven, but it was hard with Beast boy's injury. The titan's looked around the tower, searching for Raven. Robin checked the common room, Cyborg checked the training ground, Beast boy checked the roof, and Starfire checked Raven's room.

Starfire opened the door to Raven's room and stepped inside. She looked around and she screamed, with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Starfire! What is it?" Robin asked as he came running into the room with Cyborg not far behind him. Robin looked around the room and his head fell. He dropped to the floor with Starfire and embraced her.

"I'll go get BB." Cyborg said and he dragged his feet out of the dark and cold room.

Up on the roof of the tower was Beast boy. He was sitting down, letting his feet hang over the edge of the roof. His green ears perked up as he heard Cyborg's metallic feet clang behind him. Beast boy turned around with a hope in his gut, but when he saw the look that Cyborg had on his face, that hope dissipated and he knew that Raven wasn't here.

"You didn't find her?" Beast boy said, as his ears dropped and he looked out over the city.

"No. We looked in her room and all of her stuff was gone. I'm sorry BB.."

"Don't be, it's my fault that she's gone."

"Hey!" Cyborg started. "You can't possibly believe that. It was you who stopped her from killing Dr. Light. It was you who got her to control her emotions again."

"Yeah, but if I didn't step on that mine like an idiot then none of this would have happened. It is my fault." Beast boy said as he stood up and left Cyborg alone on the roof.

Beast boy walked down the halls of the tower and went straight to his room. He didn't want to face the other titan's. He couldn't face them. He opened his door and slammed it shut. He jumped on his bed and closed his eyes, thinking about everything that had happened earlier in the day. He went to rub his eyes when his arm hit something. Something made of paper. Beast boy opened his eyes and saw that a folded piece of paper was lying on his bed. He reached forward and opened it up.

Beast boy,

I know you're probably mad at me. I know you probably hate me, why wouldn't you? I'm a monster. I was about to kill Dr. Light. I let my emotions take control and I didn't see reason. I'm just like my father, maybe worse. I don't deserve to be apart of the team. I don't want to harm anyone else and if I stay then I might do just that. I felt my father's influence on my earlier today and it terrifies me. The only way for the world to be safe is if I don't lose control again, and the only way for that to happen is if I'm away from you. You see, Beast boy, I said no to you when you asked me out, not because I don't like you, but because I love you and I can't let my powers take control of me, like they just did. So I must leave, for the good of the world, the titan's, and most importantly you. I'm sorry Beast boy. I truly am. Please try to forget about me, for the end of me is really just the beginning of something else, something better. So I know you'll probably enjoy life more without me anyways, but I thought I should write this just in case.



Beast boy had tears flowing down his face like a waterfall. Fast and rapid. He kept reading over the letter again and again, hoping that there was something he missed. Hoping that there was some clue to tell him where she was. There wasn't. He was now full on crying. He couldn't believe this. He couldn't believe that she didn't plan to come back. She thought that he hated her. How could she not see how much he loved her. Beast boy needed to find her, he needed to see her again. No matter the cost.

The changeling ran out of his room with the intent of showing the titans the letter, but when he entered the common room, no one was there. Beast boy didn't know what was happening, he quickly looked around the tower for them, but to no avail. He entered the common room once more and saw another note on the counter.

Beast boy,

There has been a report on the location of Raven, but with the condition you're in I think it is best if you sit this one out.



Beast boy couldn't believe it. There was a report on the location of Raven and his own team didn't think he should come? Beast boy was furious, how could they do that to him? But that anger quickly subsided as he realized that he could now find Raven. Beast boy quickly ran to the titan computer and located where this report came from. He looked at the location and his jaw dropped.

"Raven is at the bottom of the ocean." Beast boys words tasted bitter in his mouth. Why was Raven at the bottom of the ocean. How is Raven at the bottom of the ocean? But all of his questions quickly went away as a look of determination spread across his face. Beast boy was going to get to Raven. Life or death.

Beast boy ran into his room and put on a fresh uniform. Then he ran into Robin's room and put some equipment into a backpack. He ran towards an open window of the tower and jumped out, turning into a dolphin mid-fall. He splashed into the water as he raced towards the location where Raven was supposed to be.

I'm coming Raven. I'm not going to let you leave me again, not this time. Not ever again.


Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. I know it's been a couple days since I updated and I'm sorry about that, but it's spring break now so I should be able to get out more content for you guys. Have a great day!

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