The Beaten And Broken

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Raven didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do; Beast boy was in a fight with someone or something and now he's gone missing. Raven tried to spit out the words, she tried to explain to her team what she saw and what happened to Beast boy, but every time she tried to speak nothing would come out.

"Raven? Are you okay? You don't look too well." Robin said while he rested a hand on her shoulder. Raven flinched at his touch, he quickly pulled his arm back.

"I..I think.. I.." Raven started, trying to get her words out.

"Let me get you some water, Rae. You look like you need it." Cyborg teased, which earned him a glare from Robin who was annoyed that Cyborg could joke at a time like this.  Cyborg poured a glass of water into an ice filled cup. He walked back over to where Raven was standing.

"Here Rae, drink this." Cyborg said, handing the glass of water to Raven. Raven extended her arm to take the drink. Her hand grasped around the glass. The glass felt warm compared to her pale, cold hands. Raven brought the water filled glass up to her blue tinted lips and took a long sip from the glass. Her lips parted from the glass and a sigh drew from her mouth.

Raven took a long breath and began. "I was swimming to the surface of the water, I thought I was going to make it, but I thought wrong, I passed out. When I woke up I was on a beach, there was no one around which confused me, so I decided that I should look around. I stood up and started looking around. On the ground I saw foot prints, I followed them and the one set of foot prints turned into two. It looked as though there was a fight of some sort and it ended with one set of footprints walking away and to its side was a dragging. I didn't think much of it, I thought it was just some kids messing around, but now that Beast boy is missing and you said he's looking for me I'm starting to think that it was Beast boy. I think Beast boy is hurt."

Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg all just stood there, mouths open, staring at Raven. None of them spoke, I doubt they could even if they wanted to. The news they just heard was definitely a surprise to them. Robin stepped forward to speak first, he felt that it was his responsibility to, considering he was the team leader and all.

"Wow Raven, that story is.. a lot, but it doesn't help us find him. The foot prints are probably gone by now and there's no way to know for sure that one of the sets of foot prints  was Beast boy's." Robin stated, matter of fact-ly

Raven was fuming, of course no one noticed because she has mastered hiding her emotions over the years, but if Robin only knew what he was in for. Robin wanted to just sit here and do nothing? While his own team mate could be out there, being tortured or something? The ignorance exuding from Robin made Raven sick.

"You have the audacity to tell me that you're not going to do anything? The impudence to lie back and not care? Your insolence is not amusing." Raven pushed past Robin and left the Titan tower without saying another word.

"Do y'all know any of the words she just said?" Cyborg asked scratching his head.


Raven sat atop the roof of an old building, clutching her hands together as the whirling wind sent chills up her spine. She had hot tears streaming down her pale, cold face. Raven couldn't stand not knowing where Beast boy was, not knowing if he was safe or not, and she couldn't help, but think that this was all her fault.

If I hadn't left the tower. If I hadn't passed out while trying to reach the surface. It I hadn't been so stupid this past week then none of this would have happened. Beast boy would still be here, he would be in the tower right now, making some stupid joke or arguing with Cyborg. Ugh he's such a pain, but he's my pain and I can't live my life without him.

Raven wiped her tear stained face with her sleeve. She looked up at the sky as she felt an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness.

There's nothing she could do to find Beast boy, to make sure he's okay. All Raven wanted was to hold him, just to hold him one last time. She wanted to hear his annoying joke and all of his arguments with Cyborg about tofu or video games. She wanted to see his goofy grin, his tooth poking out of his mouth. The way he rubs the back of his neck when he's nervous. All Raven wanted was to be with him one last time.

Raven felt a hand grasp her shoulder, she gasped and flew up into the sky. What she saw was a person, just standing there, staring at her. She couldn't quite make out their features as it was very dark out, but she could hear them breathing heavily. Each one of their breaths sounding excruciatingly painful. Every sharp inhale and husky exhale sounding like the person was about to drop dead any second.

"Who are you? Step into the light." Raven commanded as her dark magic engulfed her hands, ready, just in case.

The figure stepped forward into the light and what Raven saw left her speechless. It was a man, badly beaten and bruised. He had scratches and scrapes all over his body. He had a black eye and broken ribs. You'd have an easier time trying to find a broken spot on his body than one that's not broken. This man looked like he had been beaten up and tortured over and over again. He barley even looked alive anymore, he looked more dead than alive.

It was Beast boy.


Hey guys! I can't believe how fast this story is growing! Last chapter I thanked you for 100 reads and now it's already at 160! I can't thank you guys enough and I'm so glad that you're enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, critiques, or concerns. Thank you, have an amazing day! :)

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