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Raven felt her heart flutter and her stomach turn. Beast Boy had kissed her. The person she has wanted for so long has kissed her. She was in bliss. Complete and utter bliss, but all good things must come to an end.

She felt the building under them shake. In  the distance she heard something shatter and someone scream. She did this, she knew she did this. The one thing in this world that Raven wants, she can't have, her emotions can't handle it.

Raven pulled away from Beast Boy's embrace and pulled her hood up over her blushing face.

"Beast Boy, I can't do this."

Beast Boy's face fell and his ears dropped. You could see the pain exuding from his facial features. Raven was sure that if you listened closely you could hear his heart break into two.

"Of course you can, Raven." Beast Boy said as he took a step towards Raven and placed a hand on her shoulder. Raven flinched at his contact and backed away from his grasp.

Beast Boy hesitated before he spoke. He made sure to think his words over carefully. He didn't want to lose her again, and he needed to somehow persuade her to stay with him and test the waters with him.

"If we get your emotions used to the idea of.. er," Beast Boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously before he continued.  "something more than a friendship, then maybe they'll calm down and we can do this." Beast Boy could feel the temperature in his cheeks rising as he finished his sentence. Unfortunately, he didn't have a hood that he could cover his face with like Raven did.

Raven stood in silence, her eyes gazing at her feet which she made tiny circles in the ground with. The wind blew against her cloak, sending shivers down her spine. Regardless of the cold wind penetrating her body temperature, her cheeks still burned with a red fiery touch. 

Raven looked up at Beast Boy, not making eye contact as she knew that if she looked into his piercing emerald eyes she would crumble under them and accept his offer. Raven instead looked at his fang which protruded from his lips. She studied it, looking at the glistening middle, and the sharp top. The smooth edges which formed somewhat of a cylinder.

Raven noticed that Beast Boy was growing restless and she figured that she should answer him soon; she didn't want to make him wait much longer. She could feel his emotions flow over her like a raging waterfall. She could feel his sadness, but also his hope. His hope that she would say yes, that she would go with him and be held by him, that she would allow herself to love him, but Raven knew that she couldn't.

Raven needed to answer him soon; she knew that is she waited any longer his emotions would get to her and she'd give in. She couldn't allow that to happen. She would make his life horrible. She would ruin every good thing about him. She would turn the loving, caring, happy Beast Boy into a sad and broken Beast Boy. She knew she would, and she couldn't do that to him. She couldn't.

Raven looked into Beast Boy's eyes before she spoke. She needed to look into his eyes for this.

"No, Gar. No." The sorceress said, trying her best to keep her voice monotone. "I would never want to be with someone like you."

Raven's words left her mouth like venom. They hit hard and with no remorse. Beast Boy's face instantly dropped. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, but he held them back; he didn't want her to see him cry.

Beast Boy stood there, staring at Raven with water glossed eyes. His mouth opened slightly in shock. He was preparing himself for the worst, but he never thought that the worst would be that bad. He thought the worst would be a no, but he never expected this. When her words hit him, he felt as though he had been punched in the gut. He felt both dizzy and nauseous. He thought he was going to fall over any second.

Beast Boy stepped away from Raven, no words being said, but Raven didn't need words, she could feel what he felt. Raven didn't move, she just looked at him before speaking again.

"You're a fool if you think I could ever like you." Her venom-laced words once again leaving her lips. She waved her hand and was instantly enveloped in dark mist, when the mist disappeared she was in her room in the Titan Tower.

She walked over to her door and sat down in front of it, tears streaming down her face. She moved her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She placed her tear-soaked face in the small circle formed by her arms. Sobbing quietly so no one would hear her. Her room was shaking and lamps, pillows, and books were flying around, hitting the walls and roof.

She didn't mean what she said to Beast Boy, not even close. She cared about him so much, and that's why she said what she said, she knew that if she said she didn't care about him then he'd hate her, and she needed him to hate her; if he didn't hate her then she would end up giving in and being with him, and if she was with him, she would hurt him even more, she would break him. It's in her nature, she's half demon after all. She figured that it's better for him to hate her, than for her to ruin him. She did this for him.

Beast Boy was laying on the rooftop where the girl he loves just told him that she didn't care about him. He was devastated and heartbroken. He was curled up in a ball, crying to himself as rain showered over him. The pain he felt inside himself was so great that he physically felt it. It hurt so much. He couldn't move, all he could do was lie there and cry. He didn't know why life was cruel, and he didn't know how he was going to go on.


Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. It isn't the most uplifting chapter, but to get to the good times, you have to go through the bad times, I promise you, there are a lot of good times coming :) Have a great day!

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