A Seconds Bliss

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The team looked at Raven. No one wanted to tell her, no one could bring themselves to telling her. So much has happened in the past week. The team has gone through so much, especially her, and no one wanted to make it worse for her.

"Where is he? Just tell me!" Raven said, growing upset and worried.

Robin, as the leader of the team, thought it would be best if he was the one to tell her. He had a responsibility to his team to do so.

"I'm sorry Rae, but Slade took him."

Raven stared at Robin, not making any move to say anything, just standing completely still. Robin began to talk again.

"We were fighting, and there was a lot of robots, we were so tired and beat down, and when Slade came in we just didn't have enough energy to stop him. I'm sorry."

Raven stood completely still, not making any moves. Her blank stare sliced into the team like the sharpest swords imaginable. The room was quiet, dead silent. Everyone was holding their breath in anticipation of what Raven was going to do next.

"I need him." Is all that came out of her mouth as she stood there, still completely still. Her eyes began watering and she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They streamed down her cheeks one by one, as soon as one reached her chin another would take its place at the top. They streamed so slowly down her face, yet they held so much emotion. She was not crying, she just let the tears fall.

She wasn't sad anymore, she was numb. She didn't believe in hope, for it has done nothing for her. She was alone, lost, abandoned. This was her life, this was the life of a demon. Bound to torment, shackled to loneliness. This was her life. 

"We need to find him. We have to." Raven said, being careful as to not let her voice crack.

Robin rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We will find him, don't worry Raven."

Raven didn't respond. She didn't see a point in responding. She just walked towards the window and looked out at the city that stretched across the horizon. She knew she needed to find Beast Boy. She knew she needed him.

Raven took a step forward and floated out of the tower. She turned around in the air to face her friends. "You guys should stay here. I'll go get Beast Boy by myself."

Robin heard this and quickly spoke. There was no way he was going to let Raven go after Slade alone. "Raven, we're a team. We do things together. We have each others backs through thick and thin. If you go then we're coming with you!" Robin's voice was stern, yet it still held so much concern for the sorceress.

Starfire walked beside Robin and slipped her hand into his. Their fingers intertwined and she gripped his hand firmly. "I agree with Robin! We are a team and we do things together! We shall not separate!"

Cyborg stepped next to the couple, a gleam in his eyes. "We're with you, Rae."

Raven looked down at her feet that floated in the air. She saw the water beneath her, moving up and down, slowly, yet with such force. She looked up at her teammates. She saw how much each one of them truly cared for her, and she felt grateful for having them. But she couldn't let them come. She got Beast Boy into this, and she was going to be the one to get him out of it.

"I appreciate it guys, I do, but this is something that I need to do by myself. Please understand." Raven said as she drifted backwards, away from her friends. She gave a small nod before she turned around and flew away, going as fast as she could, determined to find Beast Boy.

Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg just stood there, neither of them knowing what to do. Should they go after her or listen to what she said and just stay back and let her handle things? None of them knew, but they did know that they trusted her.

The wind soared past Raven's face, going so fast it almost hurt. Her purple hair whizzed backwards, behind her head.

Raven could sense where Beast Boy was. She could feel his emotions. What puzzled Raven was that his emotions weren't those of fear, but of regret. She could feel his regret pour over her like a powerful waterfall that had just been unplugged.

Raven could feel his emotions more deeply the further she went. She knew that he was close. He had to be close.

Raven scanned the scene before her. She was now in the dark part of the city. The part that was filled with criminals and gangs. The part that even the police didn't dare come to.

Raven felt a surge of emotions rush deep inside her. Beast Boy was very close. Raven looked to her right and saw Slade on top of a tall building, pulling something across the ground in a brown bag. Something that Raven could only assume was Beast Boy. Without hesitation, Raven bolted towards the masked man, feeling as though she needed to be there as soon as possible.

Raven reached the tall building and floated down to the floor of the roof, stopping right in front of Slade.

"Let him go!" Raven said as her eyes turned white and her clenched fists enveloped with dark mist.

Slade looked at the sorceress and laughed. His laugh was one of mockery. A laugh that said "I don't fear you." A laugh that made Raven's blood boil with anger.

Slade reached into the bag and pulled out a barley conscious Beast Boy. Beast Boy's body was almost limp and his eyes were barley open.

"Oh, did you mean him?" Slade mocked. "Well I think I'm going to keep him around a bit longer. Have some more fun with him." Slade smiled a wicked smile behind his mask. And although Raven couldn't see it, she could definitely feel it.

"Let him go now! Or else." Raven seethed through gritted teeth. Her voice venomous.

Slade leaned back slightly, clearly not intimidated by Raven in the least.

"But we're having so much fun. It would be cruel to end it early, don't you think?"

"Have it your way." Raven hissed as she rose up into the air. Her eyes turned white as she channeled all of her energy. She focused on one thing and one thing only-saving Beast Boy. Raven surrounded herself in an aura of darkness. Black energy swirling around her body as she focused on Beast Boy. Suddenly she pushed her arms forward, sending the darkness in the direction of Slade, careful to avoid Beast Boy. The energy engulfed Slade completely and sent him flying off the roof.

Raven drifted down to the ground, her eyes returning to their normal purple color. Beast Boy's eyes were open in shock as he replayed the scene that had just happened before him over and over again in his head.

Beast Boy then looked up at Raven. He looked at her standing there, staring at him. He saw her beautiful eyes and he couldn't help himself. Beast Boy ran up to Raven, stopping just before he collided with her.

"I never want to lose you again. Ever." Beast Boy said as he stared into Raven's perfect eyes. Raven was about to respond, but was interrupted when Beast Boy leaned forward and placed his lips against hers. He kissed her lips softly and gently, acting as if she were a delicate flower than could shatter at any second. Raven's eyes remained opened as she was in shock of the kiss, but she slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back, savouring the moment that was bound to end all too soon.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! If you did please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you thought, and of course feel free to leave any suggestions, tips, or critiques, they're always appreciated. Have an amazing day! Bye :)

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